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Uueoa-Esa, Part 3: Ruin Assets (#18956)
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Adds several new items and structures for use in Unathi ruins. These
Several ancient Unathi clothing items, including two sets of armor.
Pillars and statues for ruin decoration.
Three ancient Unathi melee weapons.
Several flags/banners/tapestries.
Sarcophagi, complete with booby-traps.
An undetonated nuclear bomb, for, uh... don't worry about it.

Bomb sprite by @nauticall, other ruin sprites by Gecko


Signed-off-by: RustingWithYou <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Fluffy <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
RustingWithYou and FluffyGhoster authored Apr 19, 2024
1 parent 184abfe commit c59e636
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Showing 16 changed files with 652 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions aurorastation.dme
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1348,6 +1348,7 @@
#include "code\game\objects\structures\"
#include "code\game\objects\structures\"
#include "code\game\objects\structures\"
#include "code\game\objects\structures\"
#include "code\game\objects\structures\"
#include "code\game\objects\structures\"
#include "code\game\objects\structures\"
Expand Down
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions code/game/objects/items/weapons/material/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -179,3 +179,18 @@
throw_speed = 2
throw_range = 3

name = "war sickle"
desc = "A short and wickedly curved blade, this sickle was often used as a melee weapon by ancient Unathi civilizations."
icon = 'icons/obj/unathi_ruins.dmi'
icon_state = "warsickle"
item_state = "warsickle"
contained_sprite = TRUE
slot_flags = SLOT_BELT
force_divisor = 0.7 // 42 when wielded with hardnes 60 (steel)
thrown_force_divisor = 0.5 // 10 when thrown with weight 20 (steel)
applies_material_colour = FALSE

/obj/item/material/scythe/sickle/warsickle/bronze/Initialize(newloc, material_key)
. = ..(newloc, MATERIAL_BRONZE)
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions code/game/objects/items/weapons/material/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -670,3 +670,27 @@
reach = 2
attack_verb = list("attacked", "poked", "jabbed", "torn", "gored")
armor_penetration = wielded_ap

name = "war scythe"
desc = "An ancient Unathi weapon, this heavy polearm was frequently wielded by cavalry forces of pre-Hegemony kingdoms."
icon = 'icons/obj/unathi_ruins.dmi'
icon_state = "warspike0"
base_icon = "warspike"
contained_sprite = TRUE
applies_material_colour = FALSE

/obj/item/material/twohanded/pike/halberd/warscythe/bronze/Initialize(newloc, material_key)
. = ..(newloc, MATERIAL_BRONZE)

name = "ancient trident"
desc = "An ancient weapon, this three-pointed polearm was often wielded by the ancient Sinta'Mador civilization of Moghes."
icon = 'icons/obj/unathi_ruins.dmi'
icon_state = "mador_trident0"
base_icon = "mador_trident"
contained_sprite = TRUE
applies_material_colour = FALSE

/obj/item/material/twohanded/pike/mador_trident/bronze/Initialize(newloc, material_key)
. = ..(newloc, MATERIAL_BRONZE)
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions code/game/objects/structures/crates_lockers/closets/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -134,3 +134,85 @@
canbemoved = FALSE
open_sound = 'sound/machines/wooden_closet_open.ogg'
close_sound = 'sound/machines/wooden_closet_close.ogg'

name = "sandstone sarcophagus"
desc = "An ancient sarcophagus made of sandstone."
icon = 'icons/obj/unathi_ruins.dmi'
icon_state = "wc_sarcophagus"
dense_when_open = TRUE
anchored = TRUE
canbemoved = FALSE
open_sound = 'sound/effects/stonedoor_openclose.ogg'
close_sound = 'sound/effects/stonedoor_openclose.ogg'
///Icon state for the open sarcophagus
var/open_state = "wc_sarcophagus_open"
///Icon state for the closed sarcophagus
var/closed_state = "wc_sarcophagus"
///Does this sarcophagus have a booby trap?
var/trapped = FALSE
///Has this sarcophagus's trap been triggered?
var/triggered = FALSE

layer = OBJ_LAYER
icon_state = closed_state

icon_state = open_state

/obj/structure/closet/sarcophagus/animate_door(var/closing = FALSE)

var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = user
if(trapped && !triggered)

///Sets off the sarcophagus's trap if not already triggered.
var/turf/T = get_turf(src)
var/obj/item/arrow/arrow = new(T)
playsound(usr.loc, 'sound/weapons/crossbow.ogg', 75, 1)
arrow.throw_at(H, 10, 9, src) //same values as a full draw crossbow shot would have

else if(prob(33))
visible_message(SPAN_DANGER("Flames engulf \the [H]!"))
H.apply_damage(30, DAMAGE_BURN)

var/datum/reagents/R = new/datum/reagents(20)
R.my_atom = src
var/datum/effect/effect/system/smoke_spread/chem/S = new /datum/effect/effect/system/smoke_spread/chem(/singleton/reagent/toxin) // have to explicitly say the type to avoid issues with warnings
S.show_log = 0
S.set_up(R, 10, 0, src, 40)

triggered = TRUE

/obj/structure/closet/sarcophagus/random/Initialize() //low chance of being trapped
. = ..()
trapped = TRUE

name = "granite sarcophagus"
desc = "An ancient sarcophagus made of granite."
icon_state = "mador_sarcophagus"
closed_state = "mador_sarcophagus"
open_state = "mador_sarcophagus_open"

. = ..()
trapped = TRUE
211 changes: 211 additions & 0 deletions code/game/objects/structures/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3274,3 +3274,214 @@

unmovable = TRUE

//Unathi Ruin Flags/Tapestries
name = "folded tapestry"
desc = "An ancient piece of woven cloth, carefully folded."
icon = 'icons/obj/unathi_ruins.dmi'
icon_state = "tapestry_folded"
flag_structure = /obj/structure/sign/flag/unathi_tapestry

name = "sun tapestry"
desc = "A worn and faded tapestry depicting a bright sun shining down on the surface of Moghes."
icon = 'icons/obj/unathi_ruins.dmi'
icon_state = "sun"
flag_path = "sun"
flag_item = /obj/item/flag/unathi_tapestry

flag_structure = /obj/structure/sign/flag/unathi_tapestry/moon

name = "moon tapestry"
desc = "A worn and faded tapestry depicting a crescent moon."
icon_state = "moon"
flag_path = "moon"
flag_item = /obj/item/flag/unathi_tapestry/moon

flag_structure = /obj/structure/sign/flag/unathi_tapestry/crown

name = "crown tapestry"
desc = "A worn and faded tapestry depicting an Unathi figure, with a crown being lowered onto their head."
icon_state = "crown"
flag_path = "crown"
flag_item = /obj/item/flag/unathi_tapestry/crown

flag_structure = /obj/structure/sign/flag/unathi_tapestry/warrior

name = "warrior tapestry"
desc = "A worn and faded tapestry depicting an Unathi figure in full battle armor."
icon_state = "warrior"
flag_path = "warrior"
flag_item = /obj/item/flag/unathi_tapestry/warrior

flag_size = TRUE
flag_structure = /obj/structure/sign/flag/unathi_tapestry/brothers

name = "brothers tapestry"
desc = "A large and faded tapestry depicting two Unathi wielding war scythes, standing back to back."
icon_state = "brothers_l"
flag_path = "brothers"
flag_size = TRUE
flag_item = /obj/item/flag/unathi_tapestry/brothers

. = ..(mapload, NORTH)

. = ..(mapload, SOUTH)

. = ..(mapload, EAST)

. = ..(mapload, WEST)

flag_size = TRUE
flag_structure = /obj/structure/sign/flag/unathi_tapestry/city

name = "city tapestry"
desc = "A large and faded tapestry depicting an ancient city, towering resplendent over the land."
icon_state = "city_l"
flag_path = "city"
flag_size = TRUE
flag_item = /obj/item/flag/unathi_tapestry/city

. = ..(mapload, NORTH)

. = ..(mapload, SOUTH)

. = ..(mapload, EAST)

. = ..(mapload, WEST)

flag_size = TRUE
flag_structure = /obj/structure/sign/flag/unathi_tapestry/wall

name = "wall tapestry"
desc = "A large and faded tapestry depicting a mighty wall, staffed by hundreds of warriors. Storm clouds gather above it."
icon_state = "wall_l"
flag_path = "wall"
flag_size = TRUE
flag_item = /obj/item/flag/unathi_tapestry/wall

. = ..(mapload, NORTH)

. = ..(mapload, SOUTH)

. = ..(mapload, EAST)

. = ..(mapload, WEST)

flag_size = TRUE
flag_structure = /obj/structure/sign/flag/unathi_tapestry/unathi

name = "unathi tapestry"
desc = "A large and faded tapestry depicting a single Unathi figure - regal, resplendent, and utterly alone.."
icon_state = "unathi_l"
flag_path = "unathi"
flag_size = TRUE
flag_item = /obj/item/flag/unathi_tapestry/unathi

. = ..(mapload, NORTH)

. = ..(mapload, SOUTH)

. = ..(mapload, EAST)

. = ..(mapload, WEST)

icon_state = "mador_tapestry_folded"
flag_structure = /obj/structure/sign/flag/unathi_tapestry/mador_1

name = "\improper Sinta'Mador tapestry"
desc = "A worn and faded tapestry bearing script in the lost language of the Sinta'Mador."
icon_state = "mador3"
flag_path = "mador3"
flag_item = /obj/item/flag/unathi_tapestry/mador

flag_structure = /obj/structure/sign/flag/unathi_tapestry/mador_2

name = "\improper Sinta'Mador tapestry"
desc = "A worn and faded tapestry bearing script in the lost language of the Sinta'Mador."
icon_state = "mador4"
flag_path = "mador4"
flag_item = /obj/item/flag/unathi_tapestry/mador/mador_2

flag_structure = /obj/structure/sign/flag/unathi_tapestry/mador_3
flag_size = TRUE

name = "large Sinta'Mador tapestry"
desc = "A large tapestry bearing script in the lost language of the Sinta'Mador"
icon_state = "mador1_l"
flag_path = "mador1"
flag_size = TRUE
flag_item = /obj/item/flag/unathi_tapestry/mador_3

. = ..(mapload, NORTH)

. = ..(mapload, SOUTH)

. = ..(mapload, EAST)

. = ..(mapload, WEST)

flag_structure = /obj/structure/sign/flag/unathi_tapestry/mador_4
flag_size = TRUE

name = "large Sinta'Mador tapestry"
desc = "A large tapestry bearing script in the lost language of the Sinta'Mador"
icon_state = "mador2_l"
flag_path = "mador2"
flag_size = TRUE
flag_item = /obj/item/flag/unathi_tapestry/mador_4

. = ..(mapload, NORTH)

. = ..(mapload, SOUTH)

. = ..(mapload, EAST)

. = ..(mapload, WEST)

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