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Updated code to work with latest opencv and code enhancements.
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Avinash Kumar committed Jan 15, 2024
1 parent 9c645b0 commit 0b48e78
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95 changes: 63 additions & 32 deletions
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@@ -1,48 +1,79 @@
# Panoramic-Image-Stitching-using-invariant-features
I have implemented the Panoramic image stitching using invariant features from scratch. Implemented the David Lowe paper on "Image stitching using Invariant features".
# Panoramic Image Stitching

NOTE: You can experiment with any images (your own choice). I have experimented with many images. You can check result below. You can find many images in "Image_Data" folder.
Create panorama image from given set of overlapping images.

- You can create multiple images like tajm1.jpg, tajm2.jpg, tajm3.jpg and tajm4.jpg (shown below) from your desired images (taj.jpg).Make sure there will be some overlapping parts between two consecutive created images in a sequence. then only algorithm will find and match features and create panorama image of all images which you have provided.
- OR you can directly feed multiple images from camera in a sequence with some overlapping parts between two consecutive images.

Please install Libraries:
1. Numpy
2. OpenCV (version 3.3.0)
3. imutils
## Requirements
* numpy >= 1.24.3
* opencv-python >= 4.9.0 (latest as of 2024)
* opencv-contrib-python >= 4.9.0 (latest as of 2024)
* imutils >= 0.5.4

1. Put images in your current folder where your code is present.
2. Run code.
3. Provide the number of images you want to concantenate as input. Like: 2,5,6,10 etc.
4. Enter the image name in order of left to right in way of concantenation. Like:
Enter the 1 image: tajm1.jpg
Enter the 2 image: tajm2.jpg
Enter the 3 image: tajm3.jpg
Enter the 4 image: tajm4.jpg (See below example).
5. Then, you will get your panorama image as Panorama_image.jpg in your current folder.

- Used SIFT to detect feature and then RANSAC, compute Homography and matched points and warp prespective to get final panoramic image.
## Description
We have implemented the **panoramic image stitching algorithm** using invariant features from scratch.
We have Implemented the David Lowe research paper on "Panoramic Image Stitching using Invariant Features".
Used SIFT to detect features, RANSAC, Homography and Warp Prespective concepts.


Result of tajm1.jpg, tajm2.jpg, tajm3.jpg, tajm4.jpg
## About Data
**NOTE:** You can experiment with any images (of your own choice). We have experimented with many which you can find in
`data/` folder. Please check the results below.
#### Sample Images
* Repo already provides sample images present in `data/` folder. Copy images from `data/` folder
and put it into `inputs/` folder.
* **Default**: you will find `data/tajm` folder images in `inputs/` folder.
#### Custom Images
You can create your own images as well and put it into `inputs/` folder.
* Make sure your images must be in sequence and have overlapping parts between consecutive images.
* Minimum width and height for all images should be 400.

![alt text](

Result of nature1.jpg, nature2.jpg, nature3.jpg, nature4.jpg, nature5.jpg, nature6.jpg
## How To Run
1. Put images in `inputs/` folder from which you want to create panorama image.
2. Run:
3. Enter the number of images you want to concatenate
(i.e number of images present in `inputs/` folder):
Enter the number of images you want to concatenate: 4
4. Keep entering the images name along with path and extension. For Ex:
Enter the image names with extension in order of left to right in the way you want to concatenate:
Enter the 1 image name along with path and extension: inputs/tajm1.jpg
Enter the 2 image name along with path and extension: inputs/tajm2.jpg
Enter the 3 image name along with path and extension: inputs/tajm3.jpg
Enter the 4 image name along with path and extension: inputs/tajm4.jpg
5. `panorama_image.jpg` and `matched_points.jpg` will be created in `output/` folder.

![alt text](

Result of my1.jpg and my2.jpg

![alt text](
#### Result of Images from data/tajm folder
tajm1.jpg, tajm2.jpg, tajm3.jpg, tajm4.jpg

Result of taj1.jpg and taj2.jpg
![alt text](

![alt text](
#### Result of Images from data/nature folder
nature1.jpg, nature2.jpg, nature3.jpg, nature4.jpg, nature5.jpg, nature6.jpg

Result of room1.jpg and room2.jpg
![alt text](

![alt text](
#### Result of Images from data/my folder
my1.jpg and my2.jpg

![alt text](

#### Result of Images from data/taj folder
taj1.jpg and taj2.jpg

![alt text](

#### Result of Images from data/room folder
room1.jpg and room2.jpg

![alt text](
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import numpy as np
import imutils
import cv2

class Panaroma:

def image_stitch(self, images, lowe_ratio=0.75, max_Threshold=4.0,match_status=False):

#detect the features and keypoints from SIFT
class Panaroma:
def image_stitch(self, images, lowe_ratio=0.75, max_Threshold=4.0, match_status=False):
# detect the features and keypoints from SIFT
(imageB, imageA) = images
(KeypointsA, features_of_A) = self.Detect_Feature_And_KeyPoints(imageA)
(KeypointsB, features_of_B) = self.Detect_Feature_And_KeyPoints(imageB)

#got the valid matched points
Values = self.matchKeypoints(KeypointsA, KeypointsB,features_of_A, features_of_B, lowe_ratio, max_Threshold)
(key_points_A, features_of_A) = self.detect_feature_and_keypoints(imageA)
(key_points_B, features_of_B) = self.detect_feature_and_keypoints(imageB)

# get the valid matched points
Values = self.match_keypoints(key_points_A, key_points_B, features_of_A, features_of_B, lowe_ratio, max_Threshold)
if Values is None:
return None

#to get perspective of image using computed homography
# get wrap perspective of image using computed homography
(matches, Homography, status) = Values
result_image = self.getwarp_perspective(imageA,imageB,Homography)
result_image = self.get_warp_perspective(imageA, imageB, Homography)
result_image[0:imageB.shape[0], 0:imageB.shape[1]] = imageB

# check to see if the keypoint matches should be visualized
if match_status:
vis = self.draw_Matches(imageA, imageB, KeypointsA, KeypointsB, matches,status)

return (result_image, vis)
vis = self.draw_matches(imageA, imageB, key_points_A, key_points_B, matches, status)
return result_image, vis

return result_image

def getwarp_perspective(self,imageA,imageB,Homography):
val = imageA.shape[1] + imageB.shape[1]
result_image = cv2.warpPerspective(imageA, Homography, (val , imageA.shape[0]))

def get_warp_perspective(self, imageA, imageB, Homography):
val = imageA.shape[1] + imageB.shape[1]
result_image = cv2.warpPerspective(imageA, Homography, (val, imageA.shape[0]))
return result_image

def Detect_Feature_And_KeyPoints(self, image):
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

def detect_feature_and_keypoints(self, image):
# detect and extract features from the image
descriptors = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create()
(Keypoints, features) = descriptors.detectAndCompute(image, None)

Keypoints = np.float32([ for i in Keypoints])
return (Keypoints, features)
descriptors = cv2.SIFT_create()
(keypoints, features) = descriptors.detectAndCompute(image, None)
keypoints = np.float32([ for i in keypoints])
return keypoints, features

def get_Allpossible_Match(self,featuresA,featuresB):

# compute the all matches using euclidean distance and opencv provide
#DescriptorMatcher_create() function for that
def get_all_possible_matches(self, featuresA, featuresB):
# compute the all matches using Euclidean distance. Opencv provide DescriptorMatcher_create() function for that
match_instance = cv2.DescriptorMatcher_create("BruteForce")
All_Matches = match_instance.knnMatch(featuresA, featuresB, 2)

return All_Matches

def All_validmatches(self,AllMatches,lowe_ratio):
#to get all valid matches according to lowe concept..
valid_matches = []

def get_all_valid_matches(self, AllMatches, lowe_ratio):
# to get all valid matches according to lowe concept..
valid_matches = []
for val in AllMatches:
if len(val) == 2 and val[0].distance < val[1].distance * lowe_ratio:
valid_matches.append((val[0].trainIdx, val[0].queryIdx))

return valid_matches

def Compute_Homography(self,pointsA,pointsB,max_Threshold):
#to compute homography using points in both images

(H, status) = cv2.findHomography(pointsA, pointsB, cv2.RANSAC, max_Threshold)
return (H,status)
def compute_homography(self, pointsA, pointsB, max_Threshold):
return cv2.findHomography(pointsA, pointsB, cv2.RANSAC, max_Threshold)

def matchKeypoints(self, KeypointsA, KeypointsB, featuresA, featuresB,lowe_ratio, max_Threshold):

AllMatches = self.get_Allpossible_Match(featuresA,featuresB);
valid_matches = self.All_validmatches(AllMatches,lowe_ratio)
def match_keypoints(self, KeypointsA, KeypointsB, featuresA, featuresB, lowe_ratio, max_Threshold):
all_matches = self.get_all_possible_matches(featuresA, featuresB)
valid_matches = self.get_all_valid_matches(all_matches, lowe_ratio)

if len(valid_matches) > 4:
# construct the two sets of points
pointsA = np.float32([KeypointsA[i] for (_,i) in valid_matches])
pointsB = np.float32([KeypointsB[i] for (i,_) in valid_matches])
if len(valid_matches) <= 4:
return None

(Homograpgy, status) = self.Compute_Homography(pointsA, pointsB, max_Threshold)
# construct the two sets of points
points_A = np.float32([KeypointsA[i] for (_, i) in valid_matches])
points_B = np.float32([KeypointsB[i] for (i, _) in valid_matches])
(homograpgy, status) = self.compute_homography(points_A, points_B, max_Threshold)
return valid_matches, homograpgy, status

return (valid_matches, Homograpgy, status)
return None

def get_image_dimension(self,image):
(h,w) = image.shape[:2]
return (h,w)
def get_image_dimension(self, image):
return image.shape[:2]

def get_points(self,imageA,imageB):

def get_points(self, imageA, imageB):
(hA, wA) = self.get_image_dimension(imageA)
(hB, wB) = self.get_image_dimension(imageB)
vis = np.zeros((max(hA, hB), wA + wB, 3), dtype="uint8")
vis[0:hA, 0:wA] = imageA
vis[0:hB, wA:] = imageB

return vis

def draw_Matches(self, imageA, imageB, KeypointsA, KeypointsB, matches, status):

(hA,wA) = self.get_image_dimension(imageA)
vis = self.get_points(imageA,imageB)
def draw_matches(self, imageA, imageB, KeypointsA, KeypointsB, matches, status):
(hA, wA) = self.get_image_dimension(imageA)
vis = self.get_points(imageA, imageB)

# loop over the matches
for ((trainIdx, queryIdx), s) in zip(matches, status):
if s == 1:
ptA = (int(KeypointsA[queryIdx][0]), int(KeypointsA[queryIdx][1]))
ptB = (int(KeypointsB[trainIdx][0]) + wA, int(KeypointsB[trainIdx][1]))
cv2.line(vis, ptA, ptB, (0, 255, 0), 1)

return vis
return vis
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Result Description:

tajm_result.jpg: result of images from data/tajm folder

nature_result.jpg: result of images from data/nature folder

room_result.jpg: result of images from data/room folder

taj_result.jpg: result of images from data/taj folder

my_result.jpg: result of images from data/my folder
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Expand Up @@ -2,50 +2,46 @@
import imutils
import cv2

#Take picture from folder like: Hill1 & Hill2, scene1 & scene2, my1 & my2, taj1 & taj2, lotus1 & lotus2, beach1 & beach2, room1 & room2

print("Enter the number of images you want to concantenate:")
no_of_images = int(input())
print("Enter the image name in order of left to right in way of concantenation:")
#like taj1.jpg, taj2.jpg, taj3.jpg .... tajn.jpg
filename = []
no_of_images = int(input("Enter the number of images you want to concatenate: "))
print("Enter the image names with extension in order of left to right in the way you want to concatenate: ")
# like tajm1.jpg, tajm2.jpg, tajm3.jpg .... tajmn.jpg

filename = []
for i in range(no_of_images):
print("Enter the %d image:" %(i+1))
filename.append(input("Enter the %d image name along with path and extension: " % (i + 1)))

images = []

for i in range(no_of_images):

#We need to modify the image resolution and keep our aspect ratio use the function imutils

# We need to modify the images width and height to keep our aspect ratio same across images
for i in range(no_of_images):
images[i] = imutils.resize(images[i], width=400)

for i in range(no_of_images):
images[i] = imutils.resize(images[i], height=400)

panaroma = Panaroma()
if no_of_images==2:
(result, matched_points) = panaroma.image_stitch([images[0], images[1]], match_status=True)
panorama = Panaroma()
if no_of_images == 2:
(result, matched_points) = panorama.image_stitch([images[0], images[1]], match_status=True)
(result, matched_points) = panaroma.image_stitch([images[no_of_images-2], images[no_of_images-1]], match_status=True)
(result, matched_points) = panorama.image_stitch([images[no_of_images - 2], images[no_of_images - 1]], match_status=True)
for i in range(no_of_images - 2):
(result, matched_points) = panaroma.image_stitch([images[no_of_images-i-3],result], match_status=True)
(result, matched_points) = panorama.image_stitch([images[no_of_images - i - 3], result], match_status=True)

#to show the got panaroma image and valid matched points
for i in range(no_of_images):
cv2.imshow("Image {k}".format(k=i+1), images[i])
# show input images
# for i in range(no_of_images):
# cv2.imshow("Image {k}".format(k=i + 1), images[i])

# show the panorama image and valid matched points
cv2.imshow("Keypoint Matches", matched_points)
cv2.imshow("Panorama", result)

#to write the images
# save panorama and matched_points images in output folder
cv2.imwrite("output/matched_points.jpg", matched_points)
cv2.imwrite("output/panorama_image.jpg", result)


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