Releases: Azure/vscode-aks-tools
Publish * Right Click Draft Validate.
- Dependabot updates and bumps.
Thank you so much to @ReinierCC, @hsubramanianaks, @tejhan, @qpetraroia, @Tatsinnit for contributions, testing and reviews.
Publish * Add node os upgrade channel.
- Adding refresh option to cluster properties page.
- Dependabot updates and bumps.
Thank you so much to @hsubramanianaks, @tejhan, @qpetraroia, @ReinierCC, @Tatsinnit for contributions, testing and reviews.
Publish * KAITO - Model Management & Chat Features.
- Auto Deployments Utility Logic.
- Remove activation event trigger.
- kubectl-gadget: Update to v0.34.0.
- Dependabot updates and bumps.
Thank you so much to @burak-ok, @ReinierCC, @tejhan, @qpetraroia, @hsubramanianaks, @Tatsinnit for contributions, testing and reviews.
Publish * Engine and VSCE package update.
- Dependabot updates and bumps.
Thank you so much to @tejhan, @qpetraroia, @hsubramanianaks, @Tatsinnit for contributions, testing and reviews.
Publish * Track Version in the Extension Code, for walkthrough.
- Remove unused and unnecessary parameters for automatic cluster creation.
- Dependabot updates and bumps.
Thank you so much to @tejhan, @ReinierCC, @kejatura-dev, @qpetraroia, @hsubramanianaks, @joybb, @sabbour for contributions, testing and reviews.
Publish * Kaito deployment & ux updates.
- New Publish Action on Secure Runner.
- Improvements for GH copilot handlers.
- New Publish Workflow Fix.
- Manually fetching package.json version.
- Changing npm to npx.
- Kaito additional error & quota handling.
- kaito needs to be KAITO named.
- Add documentation for GH Copilot handlers and telemetry.
- Dependabot updates and bumps.
Thank you so much to @tejhan, @ReinierCC, @kejatura-dev, @ivelisseca, @qpetraroia, @hsubramanianaks, Joy, Sachi for contributions, testing and reviews.
Publish * Add deploy manifest handler for GH Copilot.
- Kubectl savedialog UX changes.
- Support creating automatic aks from GH Copilot.
- Kubectl command generation plugin for GH Copilot.
- Add cluster options util for GH Copilot scenarios
- Fix dependabot update for 1.94 with engine update.
- Fix for different format of serviceprincal id from auth sessions.
- Role assignments for automatic sku.
- Support create automatic aks cluster.
- New namespace creation in github workflow.
- Dependabot updates and bumps.
Welcome new contributors @kejatura-dev to the repo. Thanks to @tejhan, @ReinierCC, @ivelisseca, @qpetraroia, @hsubramanianaks, Joy for contributions, testing and reviews.
Publish * Fix for walkthrough and show welcome dependency.
- Fixing freezing dockerfile create page.
- Fix U/X Bugs.
- Incremental In-Progress KAITO Work.
- Dependabot updates and bumps.
Welcome new contributors @tejhan & @ReinierCC to the repo. Thanks to @ivelisseca, @qpetraroia, @hsubramanianaks, @ReinierCC, @tejhan for contributions, testing and reviews.
Publish * AKS diagnostic bug resolved & storage diagnostic added.
- Updated github auth scope to repo.
- Adding flag to prevent draft from checking for manifests.
- U/X add border for the row.
- Fix the eslint no-unused-vars errors.
- changing draft version to .38 and removing manual appname.
- Add U/X tooltip changes.
- Dependabot updates and bumps.
Welcome new contributors @tejhan & @ReinierCC to the repo. Thanks to @ivelisseca, @qpetraroia, @hsubramanianaks, @ReinierCC, @tejhan for contributions, testing and reviews.
Publish * Add Support Plan and Preview information in cluster Properties Page.
- Fix Code Scanning Checkout to be pinned to the commit sha.
- Dependabot updates and bumps.
Welcome new contributor @ReinierCC to the repo. Thanks to @ivelisseca, @qpetraroia, @hsubramanianaks, @ReinierCC for contributions, testing and reviews.