Install-WindowsUpdate -MicrosoftUpdate -AcceptAll -AutoReboot | Out-File "C:\($env.computername-Get-Date -f yyyy-MM-dd)-MSUpdates.log" -Force
# Installing Scoop
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri | Invoke-Expression
# Add the extras bucket
scoop bucket add extras
scoop bucket add nerd-fonts
# Install Nerd Fonts
scoop install nerd-fonts/JetBrains-Mono
scoop install nerd-fonts/JetBrainsMono-NF
scoop install nerd-fonts/Iosevka-NF
scoop install nerd-fonts/ComicShannsMono-NF
# Install the specified applications from Scoop
scoop install 7zip adb ani-cli aria2 bat btop cacert chafa curl delta deno duf eza fd ffmpeg file fnm fzf gcc gh git gitui glow googlechrome grep imagemagick keepassxc lazygit less llvm localsend mingw mpv msys2 neovim nodejs-lts nu obsidian ollama openssl raspberry-pi-imager poppler ripgrep sed starship syncthing tailscale termshark tgpt tldr vcredist2022 vim winnfsd wezterm wget winfetch yazi yt-dlp zoxide
# Install the specified applications using Winget
winget install Mozilla.Thunderbird MacPaw.Encrypto AdrienAllard.FileConverter FxSoundLLC.FxSound Flywheel.Local Microsoft.PowerToys KamilSzymborski.WindowCenteringHelper Canonical.Ubuntu Debian.Debian 9NKSQGP7F2NH
# Install the Terminal-Icons Module
Install-Module -Name Terminal-Icons -Repository PSGallery
# Install the PSReadLine Module
Install-Module -Name PSReadLine -Scope CurrentUser
# Install the PSWindowsUpdate module
Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate -Force
# Add Microsoft Update service
Add-WUServiceManager -MicrosoftUpdate
git clone --depth 1 $env:LOCALAPPDATA\AstroVim
git clone $env:LOCALAPPDATA\LazyVim
git clone $ENV:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\NvChad
# Installing Zen Browser | Optimized Version
winget install --id Zen-Team.Zen-Browser.Optimized
- Apple Devices
- Office 2019 Home & Student
- Scan
- ExifCleaner
- Inkscape
- KeepassXC
- LibreOffice
- NVCleanInstall
- OBS Studio
- RevoUninstaller
- Rufus
- SuperImage
- Syncthing
- Telegram
- Tor Browser
- Ventoy
- Wireshark