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Objectives :

Recreate some of the Standard Template Library containers : vector, stack, map and set. []

Requirements :

  • We have to use std::allocator (thus I don't leave the possibility to use another allocator),
  • C++ 98 only, compiling with -Wextra -Werror and -Wall flags.
  • We have to code also some others templates :
    • std::iterator_traits
    • std::enable_if (this is C++11, we are forced to stick to C++98 but this aims to teach us the magic of SFINAE)
    • std::reverse_iterator
    • std::is_integral
    • std::equal / std::lexicographical_compare
    • std::pair
    • std::make_pair
  • More details in the subject

How to use it ?

Run ./ in order to compile 2 executable, one using ft (forty-two) namespace, and the other using std namespace. The output of several tests will be redirected in 2 .txt files, and the diff between them will be the final output.

There should be only time difference, otherwise it means that ft_containers don't work like std containers.

You can also use : make to create an executable ft_containers that will output the tests results using the namespace ft.

Or you can use make -DNS=std to create an executable ft_containers that will output the tests results using the namespace std.

Structure of this project


  • All .hpp required for the project :
    • enable_if
    • equal
    • is_integral
    • iterator_traits
    • map : with a Red Black Tree. Also, some functions not in STL : printRBT and checkRBT that helped verify the RBT inside of map.
    • pair
    • RBT
    • RBT_iterator : iterator and const_iterator used for RBT
    • RBT_node : node structure used for RBT
    • remove_cv
    • reverse_iterator
    • set : with a Red Black Tree
    • stack
    • tests : header for test files
    • vector
  • AVL, binary_search and binary_heap : Some trees, simplier than a RBT, that helped me to learn how it works.


All tests files. Same pattern, getting time between block of tests. Vector/stack regrouped in one file. Map split in sevral files.

Makefile and

While using make it compiles with -DNS=ft -DUSING_FT=1, those variables help me to define the namespace as ft (and not std), and print the namespace name correctly.

If you want to compile with std use make re NS=std USING_FT=0

The tester compile one executable with ft, write the output in a txt file. Then does it again with std. diff the two files and delete the 2 output.txt files.

If it works, diff output should be only time differences, otherwise the difference between output should appear.

Main topics learned in container


Substitution Failure Is Not An Error : Check at compile time if a condition is true or false.

Mainly use it to make sure we will be using Iterator in a function, and not real int, when there exists 2 overload possible of a constructor :

  • Overload 1 - Real integers :
explicit vector(size_type n, const T& value = T()) : vector_base<T, Alloc>(n)
	std::uninitialized_fill_n(_first, n, value);
	_last = _first + n;
  • Overload 2 - Iterators :
template <class It>
vector(It first, It last,
	typename ft::enable_if<!ft::is_integral<It>::value, It>::type* = 0) :
		vector_base<T, Alloc>(std::distance(first, last))
	std::uninitialized_copy(first, last, _first);
	_last = _first + std::distance(first, last);

Thanks to the enable_if in the 2nd overload, the compiler will know if it has to pick overload 1 or 2 to construct the vector instance.

How does it work ? If It is a real integral (char, bool, uchar, signed char, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong) then ft::is_integral<It>::value = true.

And enable_if is a template structure : template<bool B, class T = void> struct enable_if {};

This structure posess an object type (of type T) only if B is true.

Thus if It is a real integer, type is defined and ft::enable_if<!ft::is_integral<It>::value, It>::type* = 0 sends an error, and compiler knows it's not the right overload of the function.

Exceptions management

Mainly in vector, construction of objects can sometimes generate many errors. For example, a class throwing an exception every 3 objects created is a good tester.

Thus, after discovering that those exceptions really need to be managed, I started to use std::copy,std::uninitialized_copy and std::fill as much as I could. The algorithm to insert elements is then a little tricky, but gave a good problem to solve, you can check it in the insert function of vector.


begin() points to the first element of the container, end() points one unit after the last element, Incrementing end() results in undefined behaviour. Decrementing end() shouldn't result in any error.

For vector, the vector<T>::iterator is simply a pointer to a value. Thus operator++ and operator-- are really simple.

reverse_iterator is a class that can use any iterator in a mirror way (increment should decrement, rbegin() should be the last element, rend() should point one unit before the first element, etc.)

RBT_iterator is a class specific to the RBT, that uses node->sucessor() as increment operator and node->predecessor() as decrement operator. Moving to the next node is more complicated than just moving a pointer to the next block.

const_iterator and iterator should always be comparable. Thus it is necessary to have a constructor in const_iterator classes that uses as parameter an iterator (iterator to const_iterator is doable, the opposite is not).

Red and Black Tree (RBT)

Here is an example of how my Red and Black Tree is working :

alt text

The RBT is composed mainly of 2 node_ptr : _root and _m_null.

_root : _root→parent = _m_null

_m_null : _m_null→parent = NULL _m_null→left = _root _m_null→right = _root

Thus, end() is equivalent to _m_null. Decrementing it calls to node->predecssor() which is equivalent to calling node->maximum() on _root.

When constructed, _m_null is created and _root = _m_null


  • Coding standards, I'm on my way to developp my own CPP standard, so you may find awfull things due to my lack of experience in CPP.
  • Vector capacity management : I'm not doubling the capacity like STL vector does, though I don't have a too big difference in execution time
  • More containers : deque, list, etc.
  • Allowing special allocators.


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