Mink extension for Google Place Autocomplete
Install Docker.
Login to with your docker.com account (so you can pull private images)
docker login
Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:Medology/behat-google-place-autocomplete.git
cd behat-google-place-autocomplete
containers up
Note : The ./bin/containers executable is just a wrapper for docker-compose, and saves you from having to specify the project name and docker-compose.yml paths each time you want to work with the containers.
Update your hosts file:
echo -e "\n\ behatgoogleplaceautocomplete.local www.behatgoogleplaceautocomplete.local\n\
" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Initialize the project:
You can now access the site at http://behatgoogleplaceautocomplete.local
The project is configured to the headless Chrome container by default.
If you wish to view the browser, you can use a VNC client to connect to the Chrome container. The password is "secret".
For example, if you're environment is the Medology standard setup, you can use Safari and navigate to
Once the browser is running, you can execute your Behat tests as follows:
In addition to the Docker server containers for running the site, the project also includes a set of command line tools (such as php, bower, composer, etc) located in the bin folder. These can be run from anywhere on your Mac and will execute as if they were installed locally on your machine.
These commands will either spin up temporary Docker containers to run your commands, or will connect to the running Docker server containers that you started with docker-compose.
These command line tools have no requirements other than having Docker toolbox installed.
Note: If you are using the zsh terminal, you will need to unset the cdablevars option, otherwise you will be unable to execute any of the binaries that match usernames on your system, such as mysql:
# Options
unsetopt cdablevars