Bablawn3d5 - GameEngine
Boostraps serveral C++ libraries the Bablawn uses into a covinent "engine". Build is quite bulky, as we intend to keep all major package requirements part of the repo for easy setup.
The engine builds on Windows, Linux and MacOSX. Built with: Visual Studio 2015 - Update 3, gcc-4.9, and clang-3.8.
You will need to install Python 2.7 and Boost.Python 1.59 on your system to build from source.
Build scripts are built using CMake 3.1.0 or Higher.
There's a number of prerequisite libraries needed on Linux64 and MacOSX, see .travis.yml for the list of packages.
git clone
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir Build && cd Build
cmake ..
We use cpack to generate our distributions.
cd Build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`pwd`/package
cmake ..
# This will create a GameEngine-<version>-<commit>-<os>.zip and .tar file
# under <cwd>/package
The serializer comes bundled with the engine, intergartes bindings for jsoncpp and python:
Body b{10,10};
Json::Value v = Serializable::toJSON(b);
// Will output {"position" : [10,10]}
std::cout << v;
Going from JSON to Objects:
Json::Value v;
std::stringstream s;
s << "{\"position\":[10,-10]}";
s >> v;
// Body will be initalized with position = (10, -10);
Body b = Serializable::fromJSON<Body>(v);
Going from Python to Objects:
BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(_entityx_components) {
Serializable::initPy(py::class_<Body>("Body", py::init<>()));
Extending the serializer to new types is as easy as defining a SerializableHandle, and mapping members to a Meta header:
// Some new component
struct Position {
sf::Vector2f position;
int someInt;
bool someBool;
// This meta definition will auto-generate Serializable::fromJSON<Position>(&p) and
// Serializable::toJSON<Position>(&p)
namespace meta
template <>
constexpr auto registerName<Position>() {
return "body";
template <>
inline auto registerMembers<Position>() {
return members(
member("position", &Position::position),
member("someInt", &Position::someInt),
member("someBool", &Position::someBool)
The Bablawn3d5 GameEngine itself is licensed and distributed under zlib license.
Copyright 2015-2016 Bablawn3d5, all rights reserved.
See license.txt
for all related third party and open source licenses in this repository.