Helm chart for kube-ingress-aws-controller
This Helm chart is still under development and is not considered stable (yet)!
There might be breaking changes which are applied without any further notice and that might harm also some kittens!
- Moved Skipper part of this chart to second Repository
- Renamed
- Renamed
If you encounter any errors feel free to leave me an Issue and I'll try to help as good and fast as I can but I'm maintaining this chart mostly in my spare time so please be kind 😉
Furthermore I'm trying to keep the docs as up-to-date and detailed as I can but there might be some details that I don't (and probably won't) cover in this docs.
You can always have a look at the values.yaml
file to see all config options.
The chart is available at the Quay.io registry.
To be able to install the chart you will need the registry plugin. Please follow the install guide in the GitHub repository.
The minimal deployment of this chart looks like this:
- install the Helm client
- install the Helm registry plugin
- run the following snippet and adjust the placeholders for ingressController.awsRegion
helm registry upgrade quay.io/baez/kube-ingress-aws-controller -- \
--install \
--wait \
--set ingressController.awsRegion="<AWS region>" \
"<your release name e.g. kube-ingress-aws-controller>"
To deploy the ingress controller to a specific namespace run it like this and adjust the --namespace value:
helm registry upgrade quay.io/baez/kube-ingress-aws-controller -- \
--install \
--wait \
--set ingressController.awsRegion="<AWS region>" \
--namespace "<your-namespace-goes-here>" \
"<your release name e.g. kube-ingress-aws-controller>"
Enable RBAC
Role-Based Access Control (“RBAC”) is stable since Kubernetes 1.8 and is part of the Kubernetes best practices. This Helm chart includes manifests for all required resources but does not deploy them by default. If you have RBAC enabled in your Kubernetes cluster you need the following additional resources deployed:
- ClusterRole
- ClusterRoleBinding
- ServiceAccount
This is done by passing --set rbac.create=true
to the helm
CLI like this:
helm registry upgrade quay.io/baez/kube-ingress-aws-controller -- \
--install \
--wait \
--set ingressController.awsRegion="<AWS region>" \
--set rbac.create=true \
"<your release name e.g. kube-ingress-aws-controller>"
There are additional values you can override if you want to customize e.g. the name of the ServiceAccount
The following variables can be overridden:
Variable | Default value |
rbac.svcAccountName |
aws-ingress-controller |
rbac.svcAccountNamespace |
kube-system |
rbac.clusterRoleName |
aws-ingress-controller |
rbac.clusterRoleBindingName |
aws-ingress-controller |
Enable kube2iam
Kube2iam delegates AWS roles to pods by redirecting calls to the AWS EC2 metadata API to a local container which resolves temporary credentials for the required role. By using kube2iam it's possible to keep the permissions of your Kubernetes worker nodes at a bare minimum and delegate the required permissions e.g. for creating ALBs only to the pods that require them.
kube-ingress-aws-controller needs the following AWS permissions:
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
To create the required role with the aws
CLI save the policy above as policy-document.json
and the following JSON as trust-policy.json
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": "ec2.amazonaws.com"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "<ARN of your worker node role>"
Note: the trust policy is based on a KOPS deployment where every worker gets a worker role assigned by default. If you're using a different kind of deployment make sure that the Principal
includes your Kubernetes worker node role!
Run this bash snippet to create the required role:
ROLE_NAME="<Name of your role e.g. Kube-Ingress-AWS-Controller>"
INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME="Name of the instance profile e.g. EC2-Kube-Ingress-AWS-Controller"
aws iam create-role --role-name $ROLE_NAME --assume-role-policy-document file://trust-policy.json
aws iam put-role-policy --role-name $ROLE_NAME --policy-name Kube-Ingress-Aws-Controller-Policy --policy-document file://policy-document.json
aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name $INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME
aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name $INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME --role-name $ROLE_NAME
To assign this role to Kube-Ingress-AWS-Controller you will need the ARN of your previously created role. To get the role execute the following snippet:
aws iam get-role --role-name $ROLE_NAME | jq -C ".Role.Arn" -r
This Helm chart includes support for kube2iam but it is disabled by default.
To deploy kube-ingress-aws-controller with kube2iam support add the flag --set kube2iam.awsArn=<your role ARN>
to the helm
CLI like this:
helm registry upgrade quay.io/baez/kube-ingress-aws-controller -- \
--install \
--wait \
--set ingressController.awsRegion="<AWS region>" \
--set kube2iam.awsArn="<your AWS ARN goes here>" \
"<your release name e.g. kube-ingress-aws-controller>"
To pass extra arguments to the controller (e.g. to change the API server URI) add them like this:
helm registry upgrade quay.io/baez/kube-ingress-aws-controller -- \
--install \
--wait \
--set ingressController.awsRegion="<AWS region>" \
--set ingressController.args[0]="--version" \
"<your release name e.g. kube-ingress-aws-controller>"
This gets a little bit cumbersome if you want to pass multiple arguments.
Therefore a second syntax exists, that enables you to pass multiple arguments at once:
helm registry upgrade quay.io/baez/kube-ingress-aws-controller -- \
--install \
--wait \
--set ingressController.awsRegion="<AWS region>" \
--set ingressController.args='{--version,--test}' \
"<your release name e.g. kube-ingress-aws-controller>"
Note: the quotes around the block {...}
are mandatory!
There's no official documentation of all available switches but one can have a look at the .go
If you don't want to pass all options via --set
you can also copy the shipped ./kube-ingress-aws-controller/values.yaml
, adopt it and pass it to the helm
CLI like this:
helm registry upgrade quay.io/baez/kube-ingress-aws-controller -- \
--install \
--wait \
-f my-values.yaml \
"<your release name e.g. kube-ingress-aws-controller>"
If you add functionality to this chart please check if the following validation is running correctly:
helm lint \
--set ingressController.awsRegion="us-east-1" \
--set ingressController.args[0]='--version' \
--set kube2iam.awsArn="arn:aws:iam::$(uuidgen | cut -d '-' -f 1):role/SkipperIngress" \
--set rbac.create=true \
--set prometheusOperator.create=true \
or if you have Kubernetes with installed Tiller available:
helm install \
--dry-run \
--debug \
--set ingressController.awsRegion="us-east-1" \
--set ingressController.args='{--version,--test}' \
--set kube2iam.awsArn="arn:aws:iam::$(uuidgen | cut -d '-' -f 1):role/SkipperIngress" \
--set rbac.create=true \
--set prometheusOperator.create=true \