This crate allows you to deconstruct an existing SPF record that might be retrieved with a dns query of type TXT.
With 0.2.0. You now have the ability to create SPF records programmatically. Check the Examples directory for sample code.
Lookup and deconstruct Spf record.
To see a list of available examples.
$ cargo run --example
$ cargo run --example trust-dns-builder
$ cargo run --example trust-dns-spf
$ cargo run --example build-spf
$ cargo run -F strict-dns --example build-spf-strict
$ cargo run -F serde --example serde-demo
Whilst this crate is not intended to provide syntax validation, some validation has been added as
of Version 0.3.0.
If you are looking to validate your SPF record. I would suggest you use one of
the following:
I am sure there are many others that could be found.