EasyMock is a Java library that provides an easy way to use Mock Objects in unit testing.
You can find the website and user documentation at http://easymock.org.
I'm using:
- IntelliJ 2017.3 Ultimate (thanks to JetBrains for the license)
- Maven 3.5.0
You can also use Eclipse. I tried
- Eclipse 4.5.0 (Mars)
- Say yes to all the plugins an m2 connectors to install
To configure your local workspace:
- Import the Maven parent project to Eclipse or IntelliJ
- Import the Eclipse formatting file
(usable in Eclipse or IntelliJ)
There are three different levels of build.
It is a basic compilation of the application.
mvn install
This build will check code coverage using Jacoco, run findbugs and validate that the license headers are correctly set.
mvn install -PfullBuild
This is the build to launch to deploy to the surefire repository. It assembles the application and add the gpg checksum. You will usually launch it on top of the full build.
The command line will ask you to give the passphrase for the gpg private key.
mvn install -PdeployBuild
- Install m2e
- Import the EasyMock Maven parent project to your Eclipse workspace
- Import the EasyMock Maven parent project as an New IntelliJ project
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Y -Pall
mvn versions:commit -Pall
if everything is ok,mvn versions:revert -Pall
- You will first need to add something like this to your settings.xml
- Then follow the instructions from the site below to create your key to sign the deployed items
- You will to give enough memory to maven with 'set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m' (or setting it as environment variable)
- Then type
mvn site
mvn versions:display-dependency-updates versions:display-plugin-updates -Pall
mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=sources
mvn validate license:format -Pall
mvn clean org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:prepare-agent test sonar:sonar
- Install the Android SDK
- Configure a device (real or simulated)
- Add an
to target the Android SDK - Add
to your path - Activate the debug mode if it's a real device
mvn install -Pandroid
- Make sure the poms are on the snapshot of the version you want to deploy
- Launch and Android emulator or connect an Android phone
- Make sure
is installed. If not, trybrew install jq
orchoco install jq
- Add a little speech on the features in "ReleaseNotes.md" (not the change log, it is generated)
- Set the github_user, github_password, gpg_passphrase, bintray_user, bintray_api_key as environment variables
- Launch ./deploy-easymock.sh version
- During the deployment, you will be asked to do different things. Do them
- Announce to gitter, tweet and blog ;-)
- In local:
- Go to the EasyMock root directory
- Make sure the website directory is clean
In local:
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Z-SNAPSHOT -Pall
mvn versions:commit -Pall
- Create next version in Jira (http://jira.codehaus.org/plugins/servlet/project-config/EASYMOCK/versions)