Manage rq jobs with multiple or tree-like dependancy.
Create a "project" dictionary that contains an array of jobs.
project = {'jobs':[
{'func':simpleTask,'args': 1},
{'func':simpleTask,'args': 2}]
Then give it to the "manager" to complete it!
q = Queue()
managerJob = q.enque(manager,project)
projectResults = getProjectResults(managerJob)
Define a simple job:
def simpleJob(x):
return 2*x
Jobs in an array will be started immediately and run in parallel.
project = {'jobs':[
{'func':simpleTask,'args': 1},
{'func':simpleTask,'args': 2}]
[2, 4]
If a job is marked as blocking, the following jobs will wait to run.
project = {'jobs':[
{'func':simpleTask,'args': 1, 'blocking':True},
{'func':simpleTask,'args': 2}]
[2, 4]
A job can use the the results of a previous job as its inputs. It will wait for the previous job to finish, but it will not block later jobs.
project = {'jobs':[
{'func':simpleTask,'args': 1},
{'func':simpleTask, 'previousJobArgs': True}, # this job will wait
{'func':simpleTask,'args': 3}] # this job will NOT wait
[2, 4, 6]
A job can have child jobs. The parent job is not finised until all of the child jobs are finished.
project = {'jobs':[
'blocking':True, # this job, and its child jobs, must finished before moving on.
{'func':simpleTask,'args': 1},
{'func':simpleTask,'args': 2}],
{ # this job will only run when the blocking job above finishes.
'func':simpleTask,'args': 3
[[2, 4], 6]
Define a job that creates an array of new jobs.
def addJobs(n):
newJobArray = []
for i in range(n):
newJobArray.append({'func':simpleTask,'args': i})
return {'result':2*n, 'addJobs':newJobArray}
Jobs will be appended to the current job array
project = {'jobs':[
'jobs':[ # these two jobs will be run first
{'func':simpleTask,'args': 1},
{'func':addJobs,'args': 2} # This job adds new jobs
# New Jobs are placed here
{'func':simpleTask,'args': 3}]
[[2, 4, 8, 10], 6]
Define a job that creates new a job filled with child jobs.
def addSubJob(n):
newJobArray = []
for i in range(n):
newJobArray.append({'func':simpleTask,'args': i})
newSubJob = {'jobs':newJobArray }
return {'result':2*n, 'addJobs':newSubJob}
A sub job will be added with child jobs.
project = {'jobs':[
'jobs':[ # these two jobs will be run first
{'func':simpleTask,'args': 1},
{'func':addSubJob,'args': 2} # This job adds a new job with child jobs
# {'jobs': New child jobs are placed here}
{'func':simpleTask,'args': 2}]
[[2, 4, [8, 10]], 6]
Install Redis Server
sudo apt update
sudo apt install redis-server
Start Redis Server
Run supervisor
Clear Jobs / Clear Redis Cache (optional)
redis-cli FLUSHALL