HTTP related utilities for Betterez APIs
Generates a definition for swagger including a request handler and it's schema.
An example Handler Class must implement "getSpec()" and "handler(req, res)" methods, like:
class RequestHandler {
getSpec () {
return {
"description" : "endpoint description",
"path" : "/endpoint",
"summary" : "endpoint summary",
"method": "POST",
"parameters": [
this.swagger.paramTypes.body("items", "the items", "Schema", null, true),
"produces" : ["application/json"],
"type" : "Schema",
"errorResponses" : [],
"nickname" : "nick"
handler (req, res) {
.... request handler code ...
So to generate the swagger request handler:
let swaggerRequestHandler = require("btrz-http-service").swaggerRequestHandler;
let handler = new RequestHandler();
let swaggerHandler = swaggerRequestHandler(handler);
Just like in Express with Connect, "multiple callback functions that behave just like middleware" can be given to swaggerRequestHandler, and they will be called one after the other. Middleware callbacks must have the following signature: function (req, res, next) The last argument of swaggerRequestHandler must always be a Handler instance implementing "getSpec()" and "handler(req, res)" methods. An example:
let swaggerRequestHandler = require("btrz-http-service").swaggerRequestHandler;
let handler = new RequestHandler();
let swaggerHandler = swaggerRequestHandler(passportAuthenticate, otherMiddleware, handler);
Success handler expects data to be send with 200 OK status code.
Error handler expects an Error (or a ValidationError, see below). And responds with the error message and status code 400 (status code can be overriden, see below).
Sample usage:
class RequestHandler {
getSpec () {
handler (req, res) {
.then(function () {
return doSomethingElse();
Notice that ResponseHandlers.success and ResponseHandlers.error both expect the response object, and return a function.
Notice that ResponseHandlers.success and ResponseHandlers.error must be added at the end of the promises chain, and only once.
Some common schemas to avoid duplication. We should grow these schemas when we find common patterns.
bzDate (The schema for BzDate)
errorResponse (The schema for the error responses)
defaultPagingProps (The properties that are common to any list that supports paging)
Validates a body against a handler schema (a schema like the one in getSpec() above). Returns an array of ValidationErrors with any schema mismatch.
let validateSwaggerSchema = require("btrz-http-service").validateSwaggerSchema;
validateSwaggerSchema(validatorFunction, handlerSpec, schemaModelsDefinitionJSON, requestObject)
Subclass of Error, supporting an error code, message, and HTTP status override. Usage:
throw new ValidationError(errorCode, message, statusCode);
throw new ValidationError("CODE", "readable message", 418)
The Error request handler will catch any error and send a 500 response with the message.
If it receives a ValidationError or an array of ValidationErrors, it will send a response with the message and status code 400.
To change the HTTP status code, throw a validation error like:
throw new ValidationError(errorCode, message, statusCode);
for example:
throw new ValidationError("NO_CART", "Cart not found", 404);
This utility builds a standard response for a paginated resource.
- result: the list of resources in the current page, in the form {resourceName: list}
- query: the query directly from the request (req.query)
- totalRecords: the count of all the resources
- pageSize: the page size from the config (config.pageSize)
- baseUrl: the FULL url of the resource (domain/api/resource)
resourceName: list, // the resourceName as given in the "result" input
count, // the "totalRecords" input
next, // the full URL to the next page, empty string if no next page
previous // the full URL to the previous page, empty string if no previous page
Usage example in Handler:
const result = {customers: countedCustomers.list},
url = `${this.config.fullDomain()}/accounts${this.getSpec().path}`;
return ResponseBuilder.buildResponse(result, req.query, countedCustomers.count, this.config.pageSize, url);
For the new API model, call this method to register all handlers and models
const register = require("btrz-http-service").register;
const basePath = `${__dirname}/path/to/modules`;
register(basePath, {models: require("./models/"),
- basePath: relative path to start searching for handlers
- options:
- models // default to {models: {}} if not passed
- authenticator // an instance of Authenticator from "btrz-auth-api-key"
- swagger // an instance of swagger from "btrz-swagger-express"
- logger // an instance of Logger from "btrz-logger"
- simpleDao // an instance of BtrzSimpleDao from "btrz-simple-dao"
- config // a configuration object for the API
A series of RegExp patterns to use on common Swagger validations.
Each key comes in two variations a RegExp and a String, each identified with the suffix.
DATE_MMDDYYYY_PATTERN: to validate dates in the mmddyyyy format
DATE_YYYY_MM_DD_PATTERN: to validate dates in the yyyy-mm-dd format
OBJECT_ID_PATTERN: to validate a Mongo ObjectID
TIME_HHMM_PATTERN: to validate time in the HH:MM format
UUID4_PATTERN: to validate uuid v4 ids