HTML, CSS, JS, and other files relevant to the BigfootDS website.
This is currently deployed to:
Purpose of the repo: education!
Purpose of the web-app: business!
I need a web client for the back-ends that I'm building so that my customers (of my videogames) can do appropriate things with their user data and game data.
Building this as a classroom example / optional extra-curricular example project means that:
- I can create time to work on this thing.
- I can show students some cool functionalities and ways of working.
The repository of this front-end web-app is publicly visible since it holds no API keys or other sensitive data - the back-end servers / microservices will remain private though, as they do have keys and security logic that would become useless if it were public. White-label projects of the back-ends will be made during classes, it's really not special - but things like the JWT decryption keys cannot be shared.
This project is based on the "Astro Starter Kit: Blog" project template. Make your own with this command in your NodeJS-ready terminal:
npm create astro@latest -- --template blog
- ✅ Minimal styling (make it your own!)
- ✅ 100/100 Lighthouse performance
- ✅ SEO-friendly with canonical URLs and OpenGraph data
- ✅ Sitemap support
- ✅ RSS Feed support
- ✅ Markdown & MDX support
This project does have a few other things added to it beyond the basic blog template, but you can compare the differences yourself as part of your education. Things like package.json
and any config files will be very worthwhile to dig into! 😉