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Oliver Martin edited this page Apr 10, 2019 · 1 revision
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                      SlingShot                       | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# By Revilo410

version: "2.0"  #


# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                        GENERAL                       | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# These are the SlingShot target servers
# The first server on the list which is online will be chosen as the target server
# The highest priority server is at the top, the lowest priority at the bottom
- "lobby"
# - "lobby2"
# - "lobby3"
# ...

# How long should SlingShot wait for a response from the target server before assuming it is offline?
timeout: 25 #ms

# Servers to exclude from SlingShot (CASE SENSITIVE)
# SlingShot will not catch players being disconnected from these servers.
# List like:
# no_slingshot:
# - Server1
# - Server2
# etc.
no_slingshot: []

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                  KICK REASON MATCHING                | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Should the blacklist below actually be used as a whitelist?
use_as_whitelist: false

# Here you can list kick reasons which will not trigger SlingShot
# This is useful if you want particular kicks to disconnect them completely and not send them to the lobby
# If the setting above is set to true then this list will be used as a whitelist instead of a blacklist
# This list uses regular expressions to decide if they match
# Starting with the sequence (?i) means it will be case insensitive
kick_reason_blacklist: []

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                       MESSAGES                       | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Message to send to players that have been SlingShot'ed
# %REASON% will use the original kick reason
message: "&a&oYou have been returned to the lobby for reason&f: %REASON%"

# If none of the target servers are online,
# or the player is kicked from the target server while it is still online,
# then they will be disconnected from the network.
# This is the message to show the kicked player
# %REASON% will use the original kick reason
kick-message: "The lobby server was not available, so you have been kicked from the network"
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