June 8th, 2022. The current data example focuses on the designing effect visual patient profiles. The example data set re-uses data from a previous challenge on Alzheimer demographic data set. But this instead focusing on a wider set of measurements. The challenge aim is to provide example of how to present individual patient information. In other words, how to best design visualizations that combine measurements at the patient level in an informative manner. See the designing effect visual patient profiles page for more detail and some examples for inspiration.
For more on PSI and wonderful wednesdays see https://www.psiweb.org/sigs-special-interest-groups/visualisation/welcome-to-wonderful-wednesdays
The data visualization special interest group (VIS SIG) was recently founded under the umbrella of EFSPI and PSI. Learn more about the VIS SIG.
The SIG is happy to introduce a new initiative called “Wonderful Wednesdays”. This initiative will provide the participants to not only learn theoretically about visualisation principles but also apply them to relevant examples from the field of healthcare and the development of new therapies.
Inspired by 'Makeover Monday' and 'Tidy Tuesday', we will present on a monthly basis a data set reflecting the properties of a usual data set from a clinical trial or some other relevant study. This data set will come along with a visualization.
Now the audience has the ability to improve the visualization and submit the updated visualization (along with the code) to receive feedback from the SIG members. Both, the presentation of the dataset and the visualization as well as the feedback will be given in webinars. These 60 minutes webinars will occur every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 5pm CET.
You will be able to submit your improvements for feedback via a google form on the homepage of the SIG after the first webinar. These submissions need to include code (which is well documented and executable) as well as the file of the visualization itself.
We will make the submissions available to the community together with highlights of the strength and limitations through our blog. Over time, this will lead to a gallery of visualizations for others to learn from.
June 8th, 2022. The current data example focuses on the designing effect visual patient profiles. The example data set is re-using data from a previous challenge on Alzheimer demographic data set, but this time focusing on a wider set of measurements. The challenge also focuses on the individual patient and how to best present a combination of data measured at the patient level in an informative manner.
Submit your visualisations here!
July 13th, 2022.
PASI over time. Presented on March 11th, 2020.
Survival / time to event. Presented on April 7th, 2020.
Subgroup data. Presented on May 14th, 2020.
Haemoglobin in Anaemia. Presented on June 10th, 2020.
COPD dataset. Presented on July 8th, 2020.
Adverse events dataset. Presented on August 12th, 2020.
Adverse events dataset II. Presented on September 9th, 2020.
Mediation analysis dataset. Presented on October 14th, 2020.
Meta-analysis data set. Presented on November 11th, 2020
Prediction data set. Presented on December 09th, 2020
Prediction data set. Presented on January 13th, 2021
Missing data. Presented on February 10th, 2021
mobile app data. Presented on March 10th, 2021
sustained response. Presented on April 14th, 2021
Vasculitis Data. Presented on May 12th, 2021.
Psychometric Data. Presented on June 09th, 2021.
COVID-19 Data. Presented on July 14th, 2021.
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) data. Presented on August 11th, 2021
Competing risk example data set. Presented on September 08th, 2021.
CGI-I data example. Presented on October 13th, 2021.
Alzheimer demographic data set. Presented on November 10th, 2021.
Effective data visualisation. Presented on December 08th, 2021.
Uncertainty in study planning. Presented on January 12th, 2022.
Your favorite visualization. Presented on February 09th, 2022.
COVID OSCI over time. Presented on March 09th, 2022.
HiSCR data example. Presented on April 13th, 2022.
Assessing a Drug’s Impact on Pediatric Growth. Presented on May 11th, 2022.
NOTE to download a single data set as a csv file, click on the raw button and save the file. The following link describes the process in further detail.