26th SOPT Appjam team 'BOOSTER'
Faster / Easier / Together
2020.06 ~ ing
- iAmSomething
- implement : SplashView, SignInView, HomeView, SearchView, OrderView
- hansolnoh95
- Implement : LoginView, SearchView, OrderView, OrderStatusView, MyPageView
based on API Design Guidelines. Some key rules are below.
use a whitespace( ) not in front of but only after colon(:).
let name: String
if max length of a line exceeded, line breaking should be after last word is finished.
if max length of a line exceeded during function calling, line breaking should be based on parameters. cf, if parameters have more than double closures, line must be breaked.
nothing except last closure can be on same position with first letter of block.
guard let pvc = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController( identifier="secondVC") as? SecondViewController else {return}
- there should not be whitespaces in blank lines.
- every last line of files should be a blank line.
- module import should be sorted internal to external(third party), and alphabet.
- do not include needless words.
- use
. - abbreviation should be
except being first letter of a word. - use name based on roles.
- use UpperCamelCase in a class name.
- no prefix in class name.
use lowerCamelCase in a function name.
do not use get, set in function name if possible.
- will : supposed to do an action.
- did : after a certain action.
- should : returns a bool value.
use protocolName in delegate functions.
- preferred example
protocol MyCellDelegate { func myCellWillPresent(_ cell: MyCell) func myCell(_ cell: MyCell, didTapFollowButtonWith user: User) }
- not preferred example
protocol MyCellDelegate { func willPresent(_ cell: MyCell) func myCell(_ cell: MyCell, didTapFollowButtonWith user: User) }
- use lowerCamelCase in a variable name.
- use lowerCamelCase in a constant name.
use triple slash(///) for comment
do not use comment type like C (/* ... */) .
- preferred example
/// MARK - IBOutlets @IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView! @IBOutlet weak var nameLabel: UILabel!
- not preferred example
/* these are IBOutlets that are connected with objects on storyboard */ @IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView! @IBOutlet weak var nameLabel: UILabel!
avoid block comments inline with code.
use then to initialize properties of variables during declaration.
- example
let nameLabel = UILabel().then{ $0.backgroundColor = .white $0.textColor = .blue $0.text = "world" }
- feat : add new features
- fix : modify some errors or bugs
- docs : modify documents
- style : format code style or nothing is changed
- content should not be over 50 letters and starts with Capital letter.
- do not use past tense but use present tense.
- preferred example : Fix HomeView
- not preferred example : Fixed HomeView
Commonly used API and Font related files are managed in this folder
- API: ServerAPI, NaverMapAPI(NMapsMap)
- Fonts: Apple SD Gothic Neo
Commonly used Model and Extension related files are managed in this folder
There are 5 major functions in this project
1. Home
2. Search
3. Order
4. Status
5. MyPage
6. Login and Signin
Groups are devided by function and each groups has sources and resources folders.
These files can included in sources folder
- Viewcontrollers
- Views
- Cells
- APIServices
- Models
These files can included in resources folder
- Storyboards
- Swift 5
- Xcode 11.5
- CocoaPod 1.9.3
- Alamofire 4.8.2 : to communicate with server
- Kingfisher 5.0 : to communicate with server
- NMapsMap : to implement a map view
- SwiftGifOrigin 1.7.0 : to implement a splash
Launchscreen.storyboard can't use thirdparty classes like Lottie of Airbnb. In order to make custom splash, SplashViewController is implemented using Lottie. Lottie is library of managing animations using .json files of images like you can see above.
The application start with Splash view controller and present Log-in view after splash animation is ended.
splash json file can't handle every devices because they have their own screen size. so, It have to be loaded by different file for different UIScreen size. it was important to figure out boundary of view size by swift programmally.
func getLayoutofUserDevice(){ if(UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width == 375 && UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height == 667){ // i8 self.splashJsonName = "splash_i8" } else if(UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width == 414 && UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height == 896){// 11 self.splashJsonName = "splash_i11" } else if(UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width == 375 && UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height == 812) { // xs self.splashJsonName = "splash_xs" } }
- After splash animation ended, login view is loaded. in login view, there are two textfield for id / password. Log in button initiate networking with server py POST. With empty textfield, Log in button shows alert and message.
- In sing up view, Name, Id, password and university information is needed to activate Sign up button. Every textfield are checked if it is empty when any textfield ended typing or any buttons are clicked.
- After insert ID textfield, ID check button must be clicked. ID Check button communicate with server by POST action and check if there is a same ID in server. if there is no same ID in server field, small label below textfield will shows that saying it is okay to continue sign up. if there is same ID in server, small label below textfield will notice that there is same ID in server, and textfiled will be cleared.
- After that, In pw field, two textfiled must be filled in same text. Texts are checked when one of two textfiled ended typing. If two text are not same, small label below second textfield will show that pw is incorrect.
- University must selected to locate position of users.
- After all buttons are clicked, and Every textfield are filled properly, Sign up button will activate. with Sign up button, client send user information to server and recieve results.
After log in, the First view of Tabbar is Home view.
When Home view is loaded, communication with server is initiate in same time. and get informations that will be showed in Home view.
There are two values are get from server, user name and current status.
By status information, Lottie Animation is changed and Label is also changed by status information like below code .
switch (self.statusIdx ?? 0){ case 2: self.progressLabel?.text = "์ธ์ ์งํ ์ค์ด์์!" self.jsonName = self.deviceInfo + "_2" case 3: self.progressLabel?.text = "์ธ์๊ฐ ์๋ฃ๋์์ด์ :)" self.jsonName = self.deviceInfo + "_3" default: self.progressLabel?.text = "์ธ์๋ฅผ ์์ํด๋ณผ๊น์?" self.jsonName = self.deviceInfo + "_1" }
Alert button in top-right corner persent current alert informations.
in alert view, every cells have toggle image assets. if user check alert, alert image go inactive.
- display a store list for user in StoreView using UICollectionView. Back button in navigation bar is linked HomeView whitch is first item of tabbar. and map button in right side of the navigation bar presents mapview the cell is disabled when the store is closed. University selection view present university table view and can be changed by selection of tableview. Every cells are touchable and push navigationcontroller of section 3 below. when the favorate button of collectionviewcell is cliked, client send a boolean value to server and refresh the collectionview.
- select college option to change current college information and a store list along to it using UITableView
- display the store details when a store is clicked on the 1st view. favBtn is activated with blue color and post to server that the store is added to a favorite list when the button is clicked. push to the waiting list view of a order function using by UINavigationController when the orderBtn is clicked.
- display the map view when a map button on the 1st view is clicked using Naver Map API with CocoaPod 'NMapsMap'. This view shows stores nearby the selected college using by NMGLatLng on NMapsMap and a marker. markers become bigger and a information window appear over the marker when marker is clicked. dismiss to presenting view by presenting modally and push to storeDetailView using by UINavigationContoroller when the information window is clicked.
third item of tabbar presents Order view. which find stores to order printing service using UITableView.
When view loaded, user send token to server and get store list nearby university. 3 sections are divided by favorite store, recently visited store, and all stores nearby. server give users store list and informations and 3 different sections are implemented by different arrays.
Every cells can be selected. when selection occurs, button appears from bottom and disappear when selection canceled.
Selection cannot be duplicated. Using _selectedIndexPath, duplicated selection problems are solved.
if indexPath.compare(_selectedIndexPath!) == ComparisonResult.orderedSame{ /*์ด๋ฏธ ํด๋ฆญ๋์ด ์๋ cell์ ํด๋ฆญ*/ _selectedIndexPath = nil clearAllSelections() selectionBtnHide() } else { /*ํด๋ฆญ๋์ด ์์ง ์์ ์ ์ ํด๋ฆญํ ๋*/ selectionBtnAppear() switch indexPath.section { case 0: cell.itemSelected(isSelected: true) storeNameInSelection.text = recentStorelist[indexPath.row].store_name case 1: cell.itemSelected(isSelected: true) storeNameInSelection.text = favorageStorelist[indexPath.row].store_name case 2: cell.itemSelected(isSelected: true) storeNameInSelection.text = defaultStorelist[indexPath.row].store_name default: cell.itemSelected(isSelected: true) } switch _selectedIndexPath!.section { case 0: oldcell.itemSelected(isSelected: false) case 1: oldcell.itemSelected(isSelected: false) case 2: oldcell.itemSelected(isSelected: false) default: oldcell.itemSelected(isSelected: false) } _selectedIndexPath = indexPath }
After click button below, the Waiting View are loaded. In waiting view, user upload file from local file manager and set a options for print
When collection view is empty, the order button is hidden. but if user upload any file, the order button appears form bottom of view.
file uploading is implemented using FileManager and UIDocumentPicker. and QLThumbnailGenerator helps to make thumbnail image from file. images extenstions are limited by pdf, jpg, png and so on. if user tring to upload exiting files, warnig alert pop up.
After uploading files, The collectionview cells are generated automatically and it contains option check and option change buttons.
when option change buttons are clicked, option selection view is presented and users can make options for printing files.
if user don't set any options, default print use default printing options.
option check button present simple view of options.
if delete button of cell is clicked, client send a delete message to server.
- when all files uploaded, and order button clicked, payment view is loaded.
- in this view, user can check file list and total price of print. Users can also sent a message to printing store owner.
- if payment button clicked, with a few seconds of loading, view pop up Status tab of tabbarcontrollser
- display current order status of three status('order', 'printing', 'done') and display different progress bar images along to the status using UITableView. cancelOrderBtn is shown only when the status is 'order' and completePickUpBtn is activate only when the status is 'done'. statusCells on the 'done' status disappear when completePickUpBtn is clicked.
- popupView is presented when cancelOrderBtn is clicked on the first view by presenting modally with modifying background color and opacity of the popupView. nothing happened and dismiss to the presenting view when denyingBtn is clicked. But when confirmBtn is clicked, the clicked cell on the first view disappears.
- My page view shows User informations and shows use history. if rocket shape button clicked, Use history view is loaded and shows past payment
- Profile modification button is located in right side of user name. if this button clicked, modification view is loaded. In this view, password textfiled are checked when editing is ended. if every textfiled are fullfilled modification complete button began active.
- When button clicked, user send server modificated user informations and server reset user informations.
Primary Function | Details | Status | Developer |
Splash | Done | Taehoon | |
Login | Done | Hansol | |
Sign In | Done | Taehoon | |
double check | Done | Taehoon | |
sign in | Done | Taehoon | |
Home | Done | Taehoon | |
summary of order status | Done | Taehoon | |
tabbar | Done | Taehoon | |
Search | Done | Both | |
display stores | Done | Taehoon | |
select college | Done | Taehoon | |
map view | Done | Hansol | |
add my favorite | Done | Hansol | |
store details view | Done | Hansol | |
Order | Both | ||
select a store | Done | Taehoon | |
waiting list | Done | Taehoon | |
upload files | Done | Taehoon | |
select options | Doing | Hansol | |
pay credits | Done | Hansol | |
Order Status | Hansol | ||
order status view | Done | Hansol | |
order details view | Done | Hansol | |
My page | Hansol | ||
my profile | Done | Hansol | |
logout | Todo | Hansol | |
engine view | Done | Hansol | |
Settings | Todo | Hansol | |
Duplicated selection in multiple-section collection view.
File uploading to server by .PUT argument
Get a file thumbnail form file.
/// Copyright 26th SOPT AppJam team BOOSTER
/// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
/// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
/// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
/// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
/// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
/// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
/// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
/// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
/// Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may not use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
/// distribute, sublicense, create a derivative work, and/or sell copies of the
/// Software in any work that is designed, intended, or marketed for pedagogical or
/// instructional purposes related to programming, coding, application development,
/// or information technology. Permission for such use, copying, modification,
/// merger, publication, distribution, sublicensing, creation of derivative works,
/// or sale is expressly withheld.
/// This project and source code may use libraries or frameworks that are
/// released under various Open-Source licenses. Use of those libraries and
/// frameworks are governed by their own individual licenses.