Jump to Goal | Requirements | Setup | Configuration | Changelog
The goal of this project is to create an easy to use, reliable development environment. This was built as a MAMP/WAMP replacement, meeting the requirements of Magento 1 & 2 specifically.
# Install git and DemacMedia/Vagrant-Lamp
git clone https://github.com/DemacMedia/vagrant-lamp.git
cd vagrant-lamp
# Copy example.config.yml to config.yml and edit options
cp example.config.yml config.yml
vim config.yml
# Run Vagrant Up to download and setup the VM
vagrant up
- Guest Host Entries:
- Add host entries to files/hosts.txt to have them added to Guest machine on provisioning
- config.yml settings
- vagrant_hostname: Hostname on Guest VM
OPTIONAL - can leave default
- vagrant_machine_name: Vagrant Machine Name, used for creating unique VM
OPTIONAL - can leave default
- vagrant_ip: IP addressed used to access Guest VM from Local machine
OPTIONAL - can leave default
- vagrant_public_ip: Public IP address of VM
OPTIONAL - recommended leave defualt
- vagrant_synced_folders: Shared Folders from HOST machine to Guest
- local_path: Path on Host machine to share
- destination: Path on Guest machine to mount share
- type: Share Type [nfs|smb|rsync] OPTIONAL - recommended leave default as empty. Mac OS users may use nfs but not recommended for the mysql share as nfs bind may run out of connections
- create: Create directory on HOST machine if it doesn't exist
OPTIONAL - recommended leave default
# Example of Multiple Shared Folders vagrant_synced_folders: - local_path: ~/projects/www destination: /srv/www type: nfs create: true - local_path: ~/projects/mysql destination: /srv/mysql type: create: true owner: 500 # mysql user not created yet, but will have this id when the box is provisioned group: 500 # mysql group not created yet, but will have this id when the box is provisioned - local_path: ~/projects/backup destination: /srv/backup type: nfs create: true
- vagrant_memory: Memory to assign to VM
OPTIONAL - can leave default
, recommended4096
or more for M2 projects - vagrant_cpus: CPU Cores to assign to VM
OPTIONAL - can leave default
- vagrant_hostname: Hostname on Guest VM
OPTIONAL - can leave default
- Apache2 with mpm_event
- Percona 5.6 (MySQL Server and Client)
- Varnish
- Redis
- PHP-FPM 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 & 7.0 /w Xdebug (via PHPFARM)
- dos2unix
- smem
- strace
- lynx
- mailhog
- Composer
- N98-Magerun and N98-Magerun2
- modman
- PHPUnit
- redis-setup
Add / Remove or List Redis instances
Usage: redis-setup add|remove|list -n name [-p port] [-s save]
- vhost
Add / Remove Apache virtualhost entries
Usage: vhost add|remove -d DocumentRoot -n ServerName -p PhpVersion [-a ServerAlias] [-s CertPath] [-c CertName] [-f]
- mysql-sync
Sync Remote Database to VM Mysql instance
Usage: mysql-sync -i remote-ip -p remote-port -u remote-username -d remote-database
See CHANGELOG.md for the full change history