A complete data set of every race Gecko has raced.
Data is great. It is fun to analyse and very helpfull for every competetive scene. I enjoy collecting data and watching Gecko's videos. I think it would be fun to analyse all of his R2R2 races to see how he can get to ruby 2 quicker.
- Date (Video/live published)
- Placement
- Heloo There! (If Gecko said heloo theree at the start)
- Promotion
- ID (Used as a identifier to connect the races with the comptition)
- Placement for 1st, 2nd and 3rd laps
- Track
- Character
- Kart
- Wheels
- Shock
- How many used
- How many hit him
- How many dodges
- Blue dodges
- Bills used
- Run Style (Bag, Run, Front)
- Lucky Action (e.g. Lucky Snowman on Snow Land)
- Get hit (Excluding getting hit by shocks and trails)
- Get trailed
- Fell
- Hitting other
- Trailing other
- Watch Gecko's video.
- Write down the things that happen for each race following the format.
- Share it back with us so we can update it.
- Think of another thing that is not on the list above that could be recorded and would be useful for Gecko or fun to analyse.
- Make a issue and tell us the idea.