This is the SWIFT VFS (Server) Adapter for OS.js.
Install Openstack Swift All in One Deployment (SAIO) using this manual:
There are two approaches to install swift vfs adapter:
1- Go to below directory:
cd src/server
2- Create vfs directory:
mkdir vfs
3- Then go to vfs directory:
cd vfs
4- Clone adapter to this directory:
git clone
5- Then go to osjs-monster-adapter directory:
cd osjs-monster-adapter
6- At last use bellow command to install dependency:
npm install
Just execute bellow command:
npm i @burna/osjs-monster-adapter
// src/server/index.js
// If first approach for installing has used:
const monsterAdapter = require('./vfs/osjs-monster-adapter')
// If second approach for installing has used:
// const monsterAdapter = require('@burna/osjs-monster-adapter')
osjs.register(VFSServiceProvider, {
args: {
adapters: {
monster: monsterAdapter
Then create a mountpoint. Example using default Swift Account:
// src/server/config.js
vfs: {
mountpoints: [{
name: 'myMonster',
adapter: 'monster',
attributes: {
endpoint: "http://localhost:12345/auth/v1.0",
username: "test:tester",
password: "testing"
// src/client/config.js
vfs: {
defaultPath: 'myMonster:/',
mountpoints: [{
name: 'myMonster',
label: 'Monster Drive'