This project uses a DE0-Nano to perform the modulation for a DIY HF radio transmitter. The DE0-Nano is fed I/Q samples at 10ks/s over SPI and multiplies them with quadrature sine waves before summing them and sending them to a high speed DAC.
Compiling and running this project on an FPGA requires the use of the
Quartus II software, version 13.0 or higher. Select altera_tx.qpf
the ‘Open Project’ dialog, then click compile.
Verilog testbenches can be loaded into Modelsim-Altera and run there, or simulated via Icarus Verilog. Each module includes a comment at the top of the file that lists its dependencies for simulation
Before running these, please install verilator. Then type make
into the command line
Formal verification requires installing:
- Yosys
- SymbiYosys
- Yices II
After installing these packages, run make formal
in the shell