This project will be a ring three rootkit by using a DLL and MinHook to hook NTAPI
functions such as, NtQuerySystemInformation
, NtQueryDirectoryFile
, NtQueryDirectoryFileEx
, NtEnumerateKey
, and NtEnumerateValue
from process that the DLL is injected into. I want to impliment similar techniques that @bytecode77 used for their r77 rootkit project, I think it will be really good to learn some new techniques and add on some features to make ProcVanish an elite rootkit.
I want to make this project as FUD as possible whilst having up on github. But to do this I will use indirect syscalls
at any place I can and I will also use Api Hashing
. Using both of these techniques will hide the functions used from the IAT and from using Indirect Syscalls
it will hide the fact that syscalls are being called from inside the binary.
- Hide Processes From Task Manager, Proc Hacker etc.
- Indirect Syscalls
- Api Hashing
- Use the registry to store the Dll.
- Use Windows Services to inject all processes and child processes running on the system
- Use a Task Schedular for persistence.
Huge inspiration from bytecode77 for his project r77 rootkit.