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feat: add clean raw counts code from NIDAP
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phoman14 authored and kelly-sovacool committed Dec 28, 2024
1 parent b06c9af commit 193cbe7
Showing 1 changed file with 386 additions and 0 deletions.
386 changes: 386 additions & 0 deletions R/clean.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
# Clean Raw Counts [CCBR] (5453b016-53cf-44c8-b09b-7efda66543af): v82
Clean_Raw_Counts_ForMOSuite <- function(raw_counts_ccbr_bulk_training, metadata_ccbr_bulk_training) {

## -------------------------------- ##
## User-Defined Template Parameters ##
## -------------------------------- ##

# Basic Parameters:
raw_counts_matrix <- raw_counts_ccbr_bulk_training
sample_metadata <- metadata_ccbr_bulk_training
sample_names_column <- "Sample"
Data_type <- "Bulk RNAseq"
gene_id_column <- "GeneName"
samples_to_rename <- c("")

# Advanced Parameters:
cleanup_column_names <- TRUE
split_gene_name <- TRUE
aggregate_rows_with_duplicate_gene_names <- TRUE
gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates <- ""

##### Remove version number from ENSEMBLE
removeVersion <- function(ids) {
return(unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(ids, "[.]"), "[[", 1)))
### PH: START READ depth Plot
##### Sample Read Counts Plot

# Exclude the gene column from sample columns for counts
sample_cols <- raw_counts_matrix[, -1]

# Sum of each sample column
column_sums <- colSums(sample_cols, na.rm = TRUE)

# Create a data frame for plotting
sum_df <- data.frame(
sample_names = names(column_sums),
read_sums = column_sums

# Plotting
read_plot <- ggplot(sum_df, aes(x = sample_names, y = read_sums)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "blue") +
labs(title = "Total Reads per Sample", x = "Samples", y = "Read Count") +
theme_minimal() +
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, size = 14),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 14),
axis.title = element_text(size = 16),
plot.title = element_text(size = 20)

### PH: END READ depth Plot

### PH: START Sample Validation
##### Sample Name Validation

## check if sample names are different between raw counts
## and metadata tables

check_sample_names <- function(counts, metadata) {
raw_count_names <- colnames(counts)
metadata_names <- metadata[, sample_names_column]

different_names <- setdiff(metadata_names, raw_count_names)
if (length(different_names) > 0) {
"The following sample names are different in the metadata but not the raw counts: ",
paste(different_names, collapse = ",")

check_sample_names(raw_counts_matrix, sample_metadata)

##### Sample Name Check for duplicated

## duplicate col name
if (sum(duplicated(colnames(raw_counts_matrix))) != 0) {
print("Duplicate column names are not allowed, the following columns were duplicated.\n")
stop("Duplicated columns")
### PH: END Sample Validation

### PH: START Rename Samples
##### Manually rename samples

if (!is.null(samples_to_rename)) {
if (samples_to_rename != c("")) {
for (x in samples_to_rename) {
old <- strsplit(x, ": ?")[[1]][1]
new <- strsplit(x, ": ?")[[1]][2]
colnames(raw_counts_matrix)[colnames(raw_counts_matrix) %in% old] <- new
### PH: END Rename Samples

### PH: START Clean up Sample Name columns
##### Cleanup Columns
## Look for any non standard Characters or automatic formatting introduced when Table is read included
## done after Rename step so that names do not automatically change before using names in Metadata.

if (cleanup_column_names) {
cl_og <- colnames(raw_counts_matrix)
## convert special charchers to _
cl2 <- gsub("-| |\\:", "_", colnames(raw_counts_matrix))
if (length(cl2[(cl2) != colnames(raw_counts_matrix)]) > 0) {
print("Columns had special characters relpaced with _ ")
# (colnames(raw_counts_matrix)[(colnames(raw_counts_matrix))!=cl2])
# print(cl2[(cl2)!=colnames(raw_counts_matrix)])
colnames(raw_counts_matrix) <- cl2

## if names begin with number add X
cl2 <- sub("^(\\d)", "X\\1", colnames(raw_counts_matrix))
if (length(cl2[(cl2) != colnames(raw_counts_matrix)]) > 0) {
print("Columns started with numbers and an X was added to colname :")
# (colnames(raw_counts_matrix)[(colnames(raw_counts_matrix))!=cl2])
# print(cl2[(cl2)!=colnames(raw_counts_matrix)])
colnames(raw_counts_matrix) <- cl2

colnames(raw_counts_matrix)[!colnames(raw_counts_matrix) %in% gene_id_column] %>%,
row.names = F
# print("Final Colnames:")
} else {
## invalid name format
if (any(make.names(colnames(raw_counts_matrix)) != colnames(raw_counts_matrix))) {
print("Error: The following counts matrix column names are not valid:\n")
print(colnames(raw_counts_matrix)[make.names(colnames(raw_counts_matrix)) != colnames(raw_counts_matrix)])
print("Likely causes are columns starting with numbers or other special characters eg spaces.\n")
# stop("Bad column names.")
## Names Contain dashes
if (sum(grepl("-", colnames(raw_counts_matrix))) != 0) {
print("The sample names cannot contain dashes.")
print(colnames(raw_counts_matrix)[grepl("-", colnames(raw_counts_matrix))])
# stop("No dashes allowed in column names")
### PH: END Clean up Sample Name columns

### PH: START - Split Ensemble + Gene name
## Identify and separate Gene Name Columns into multiple Gene Metadata columns
## Split Ensemble + Gene name
## First check if Feature ID column can be split by ",|_-:"
## Then check if one column contains Ensemble (regex '^ENS[A-Z]+[0-9]+')
## check if Ensemble ID has version info and remove version
## If one column contains Ensemble ID Assume other column is Gene names
## If Column does not contain Ensmeble ID name split columns Gene_ID_1 and Gene_ID_2

## if split_Gene_name ==F then will rename gene_id_column column to either Gene(Bulk RNAseq) or FeatureID(Proteomics)


if (split_gene_name == T) {
Ensembl_ID <- str_split_fixed(raw_counts_matrix[, gene_id_column], "_|-|:|\\|", n = 2) %>% data.frame()
EnsCol <- apply(Ensembl_ID, c(1, 2), function(x) grepl("^ENS[A-Z]+[0-9]+", x))

if ("" %in% Ensembl_ID[, 1] | "" %in% Ensembl_ID[, 2]) {
print(paste0("Not able to identify multiple id's in ", gene_id_column))
# colnames(df)[colnames(df)%in%clm]=gene_col
if (Data_type == "Bulk RNAseq") {
colnames(raw_counts_matrix)[colnames(raw_counts_matrix) %in% gene_id_column] <- "Gene"
} else if (Data_type == "Proteomics") {
colnames(raw_counts_matrix)[colnames(raw_counts_matrix) %in% gene_id_column] <- "FeatureID"
} else {
print("incorrect Data Type")
} else {
## at least one column must have all ensemble ids found in EnsCol
if (nrow(EnsCol[EnsCol[, 1] == T, ]) == nrow(Ensembl_ID) | nrow(EnsCol[EnsCol[, 2] == T, ]) == nrow(Ensembl_ID)) {
if (Data_type == "Bulk RNAseq") {
colnames(Ensembl_ID)[colSums(EnsCol) != nrow(Ensembl_ID)] <- "Gene"
} else if (Data_type == "Proteomics") {
colnames(Ensembl_ID)[colSums(EnsCol) != nrow(Ensembl_ID)] <- "FeatureID"
## check if Ensmble column has version information
if (grepl("^ENS[A-Z]+[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$", Ensembl_ID[, colSums(EnsCol) == nrow(Ensembl_ID)]) %>% sum() == nrow(Ensembl_ID)) {
colnames(Ensembl_ID)[colSums(EnsCol) == nrow(Ensembl_ID)] <- "Ensembl_ID_version"
Ensembl_ID$Ensembl_ID <- removeVersion(Ensembl_ID$Ensembl_ID_version)
} else {
colnames(Ensembl_ID)[colSums(EnsCol) == nrow(Ensembl_ID)] <- "Ensembl_ID"
} else {
colnames(Ensembl_ID) <- c("Feature_id_1", "Feature_id_2")
print("Could not determine ID formats from split 'Feature ID' Column")
raw_counts_matrix <- cbind(Ensembl_ID, raw_counts_matrix[, !colnames(raw_counts_matrix) %in% gene_id_column])
} else {
if (Data_type == "Bulk RNAseq") {
colnames(raw_counts_matrix)[colnames(raw_counts_matrix) %in% gene_id_column] <- "Gene"
} else if (Data_type == "Proteomics") {
colnames(raw_counts_matrix)[colnames(raw_counts_matrix) %in% gene_id_column] <- "FeatureID"
} else {
print("incorrect Data Type")
### PH: End - Split Ensemble + Gene name

### PH: START - Aggregate duplicate gene names
## If duplicate gene aggregate information to single row

## If user uses "Feature ID" column then switch to empty for appropriate behavior based on other parameters
if (gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates == gene_id_column) {
gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates <- ""
## Use different Gene Names Column Name based on data Type
## I think we should deprecate this and just stick with "FeatureID"
if (gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates == "" &
("Feature_id_1" %in% colnames(raw_counts_matrix)) == F) {
if (Data_type == "Bulk RNAseq") {
gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates <- "Gene"
} else if (Data_type == "Proteomics") {
gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates <- "FeatureID"

## Error Check if Column is Numeric
nums <- unlist(lapply(raw_counts_matrix, is.numeric))
nums <- names(nums[nums])
print("Columns that can be used to aggregate gene information")
print(raw_counts_matrix[, !names(raw_counts_matrix) %in% nums, drop = F] %>% colnames())


## This section will Print duplicate row names when Aggregation column is not Specified.
## Purpose is to Identify Row Annotation columns and show user that rows may duplicated
## Print what rows are duplicated in selected annotation column
## if no column name given default to Gene(Bulk RNAseq) or FeatureID(Proteomics)
## Options: 1 Use default RowName for Data_type
## 2 Use default Row name when Split Gene name recognizes Annotation name type
## 3 show duplicate rows for all row annotations columns when Split Gene name does not recognize Annotation name type
if (gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates == "") {
if (split_gene_name == F) {
## If no Column name given for Aggregation then display Feature ID duplicates
print(paste0("genes with duplicate IDs in ", gene_id_column, ":"))

## Print original Column name for user Reference then use new Column name to subset table
if (Data_type == "Bulk RNAseq") {
gene_id_column <- "Gene"
} else if (Data_type == "Proteomics") {
gene_id_column <- "FeatureID"
raw_counts_matrix[duplicated(raw_counts_matrix[, gene_id_column]), gene_id_column] %>%
unique() %>%
as.character() %>%

## if Gene Name column is split then select Column Names generated from "Split Ensemble + Gene name"
## Raw If Feature_id_1 is generated it means that "Split Ensemble + Gene name" could not recognize Gene name format (EnsembleID or GeneName)
## and so default is to identify duplicicates in Feature_id_1 column
} else if (split_gene_name == T & grepl("Feature_id_1", colnames(raw_counts_matrix)) == F) {
if (Data_type == "Bulk RNAseq") {
gene_id_column <- "Gene"
} else if (Data_type == "Proteomics") {
gene_id_column <- "FeatureID"
print(paste0("genes with duplicate IDs in ", gene_id_column, ":"))

raw_counts_matrix[duplicated(raw_counts_matrix[, gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates]), gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates] %>%
unique() %>%
as.character() %>%
} else if (split_gene_name == T & grepl("Feature_id_1", colnames(raw_counts_matrix)) == T) {
print(paste0("genes with duplicate IDs in ", "Feature_id_1", ":"))

raw_counts_matrix[duplicated(raw_counts_matrix[, "Feature_id_1"]), "Feature_id_1"] %>%
unique() %>%
as.character() %>%

print(paste0("genes with duplicate IDs in ", "Feature_id_2", ":"))

raw_counts_matrix[duplicated(raw_counts_matrix[, "Feature_id_2"]), "Feature_id_2"] %>%
unique() %>%
as.character() %>%

## This section Aggregates duplicate Row names based on selected Annotation Column name

if (aggregate_rows_with_duplicate_gene_names == TRUE) {
print("Aggregating the counts for the same ID in different chromosome locations.")
print("Column used to Aggregate duplicate IDs: ")
print("Number of rows before Collapse: ")

if (sum(duplicated(raw_counts_matrix[, gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates])) != 0) {
print("Duplicate IDs: ")
print(raw_counts_matrix[duplicated(raw_counts_matrix[, gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates]), gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates] %>% as.character() %>% unique())

dfagg <- raw_counts_matrix[, c(gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates, nums)] %>%
group_by_at(gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates) %>%

if (ncol(raw_counts_matrix[, !names(raw_counts_matrix) %in% nums, drop = FALSE]) > 1) {
## collapse non-numeric columns
dfagg2 <- raw_counts_matrix[, !names(raw_counts_matrix) %in% nums] %>%
group_by_at(gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates) %>%
summarise_all(paste, collapse = ",")

dfagg <- merge(dfagg2, dfagg, by = eval(gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates), sort = F) %>%
dfout <- dfagg
print("Number of rows after Collapse: ")
} else {
print(paste0("no duplicated IDs in ", gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates))
dfout <- raw_counts_matrix
} else {
if (gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates != "") {
print(paste0("Duplicate IDs in ", gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates, " Column:"))
print(raw_counts_matrix[duplicated(raw_counts_matrix[, gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates]), gene_name_column_to_use_for_collapsing_duplicates] %>% as.character() %>% unique())

print(paste0("If you desire to Aggregate row feature information select appropriate Column to use for collapsing duplicates"))

dfout <- raw_counts_matrix



### PH: START - Aggregate duplicate gene names

## Global imports and functions included below ##

# Functions defined here will be available to call in
# the code for any table.

# install_bioconductor_package <- function(pkg) {
# install.packages(paste0("", pkg, ".tar.gz"), repos=NULL)

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