No Pipe is an abbreviated pipeline that will run Fastqc, Fastq screen and generate MultiQC report.
FastQC: Perform initial quality checks on raw sequencing data to assess sequence quality, GC content, over-representation of sequences, etc.
Fastq Screen: Screens sequencing data against a database of known contaminants, such as adapter sequences, PhiX control, and various other sources of contamination. It helps to identify and quantify the presence of these contaminants in the sequencing data.
MultiQC : Generates an interactive HTML report that provides a concise summary of the results
Clone the Repository: Clone the new repository to your local machine, choosing the directory where you want to perform data analysis. Instructions for cloning can be found here.
Configure the workflow according to your needs via editing the config.yaml
file in the config/
For test purpose: use mock data located in test folder.
module load snakemake/8.4.8
conda create -n $NAME
Activate the Conda Environment:
conda activate $NAME
Install mamba
conda install -c conda-forge mamba
Perform a dry-run to validate your setup:
snakemake --use-conda -np
Local Execution: Execute the workflow on your local machine using $N cores:
snakemake --use-conda --cores $N
Here, $N represents the number of cores you wish to allocate for the workflow.
After successful execution, HTML report with QC results will be generated.
conda deactivate