Project name | Biodiversity Map |
Blog post | [TBA] |
Dissemination level | Public |
Version | 0.1 |
Software license | MIT License |
Status | Work in progress |
- Yves
- Yannick
Thanks and shoutouts to:
- Sovereign Nature Initiative (
Ensure you are using Python Python 3.8 (We recommend using pyenv to handle different Python versions.)
# installing
brew update
brew install pyenv
# setup shell environment (for zsh)
echo 'export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'command -v pyenv >/dev/null || export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >> ~/.zshrc
exec "$SHELL"
# install 3.8.x (I chose 3.8.14 - latest 3.8 (by october 2022))
pyenv install 3.8.14
# activate 3.8.14 specifically for this root folder (Electricitymaps-contrib)
pyenv local 3.8.14
exec "$SHELL"
# now 3.8.14 is displayed and used for pip install etc.
python -V #3.8.14
Ensure you have the dependency management tool Poetry installed by this guide. The easiest is to do pip install poetry
pip install poetry
Ensure you have the dependency tool tesseract installed, following the instructions in this guide.
tesseract --version
# tesseract 5.2.0
You should be able to run linter and tests
poetry run lint # check
poetry run test # check
poetry run check # run both linting and tests
npm install --global yarn #updated yarn
# go inside web folder
cd web
yarn install #worked
# go inside mockserver
cd ../mockserver
yarn install
go back to root
cd ..
go to web
cd web
yarn run develop
# new seperate terminal
yarn run mockserver # fails if no yarn install inside mockserver folder