Code to generate barcodes and QR codes for printing labels.
At CGI we collect large number of samples for DNA analysis. In many projects we share sample tubes to the public and ask them to send samples to us. To streamline this handling on our side we strive towards adding sample ids in the form of barcodes and/or qrcodes to the tubes. This repo contains code for printing labels on a ... printer.
We mostly use R for generating qr and barcodes. Our preferred package is baRcodeR that can do both and have plenty of nice tools for not only printing, but also generating codes (nested, with special prefix etc). In our case we mostly recieve codes from clients and hence use the package to convert to qr and barcodes.
In this project we share thousands of sample tubes to the public and ask them to collect scat samples from bear (Ursus arctos). We provide with a sample kit and prepaid answer envelope to help collect as many samples as possible. The sampling kit contains two almost identical labels, where one goes on the sample tube and the same code is added to an information paper with metadata such as date of sample and position. All samples of this type that arrives at CGI are stored in our environmental speciment bank and the collected samples are genotyped and sex determined to infer individual genotypes and make it possible to estimate population size and density.