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Luke Barbier edited this page Mar 6, 2019 · 49 revisions

Cohrint Jackal Wiki

  • Please see Jackal Setup General and Bluetooth for a tutorial on creating a new jackal.
  • See Repo Setup for instructions on setting up this repo
  • Physical Layout

Running a Jackal

Upon turning on a jackal it will assume teleop command and be drivable. Upon sshing into a jackal you will be set as the rosmaster. To stop the bluebooth teleop control, type the command:


This will kill all running ros processes and start you off with a clean slate. To launch n

Repo Setup (for all packages)

With ROS Installed (See Jackal Ground Up Setup for creating a new jackal)

  1. Clone the repo into the src folder of your catkin workshpace.
  2. Move udev files & reload rules with the following commands
cd cohrint_jackal
sudo cp udev/* /lib/udev/rules.d/
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
  1. Create a virtualenv and install the following packages
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install pyyaml rospkg pyserial
  1. build the catkin workspace and source it




[As root] usermod -a -G dialout MY_USER_NAME Notes:

  • Green LED indicates antenna is recieving data
  • SUDO terminal permissions wipe upon logout [need for serial]
  • dmesg |grep tty to identify USB port
  • sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0


Gladiator IMU

Follow the general set up and launch the gladiator node

$ roslaunch gladiator gladiator.launch

Rocket M2

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