Membrain-Pick is part of the MemBrain suite of tools for processing membranes in cryo-electron tomography. MemBrain-pick's main purpose is to localize membrane-associated particles in the tomograms. To this end, MemBrain-picks takes as input already existing membrane segmentations and processes these to limit the search space for membrane-associated particles. The output of MemBrain-pick is a set of coordinates that can be used for further analysis.
The workflow of MemBrain-pick is as follows:
- Input: Membrane segmentations in the form of a binary mask (.mrc). Ideally, these segmentations should depict single membrane instances.
- Mesh Generation: The membrane segmentations are converted into a mesh representation. At this stage, also tomogram densities are projected onto the membrane mesh.
- Ground Truth Generation: The membrane mesh can be loaded into surforama to manually annotate membrane-associated particles. These annotations can then be used to train a MemBrain-pick model.
- Training: The generated meshes, along with the annotations, are used to train a model that can predict the location of membrane-associated particles.
- Prediction: The trained model is used to predict the location of membrane-associated particles in the membrane segmentations.
- Mesh Conversion: Transform membrane segmentations into a mesh representation that can easily be processed by MemBrain-pick and surforama.
- Model training: Train a model to predict the location of membrane-associated particles.
- Prediction: Use the trained model to predict the location of membrane-associated particles in membrane segmentations.
- Initial orientaton assignment: Given a set of positions, MemBrain-pick can assign initial orientations to the particles by aligning them with the membrane normal. -- integration with surforama: MemBrain-pick can be used in conjunction with surforama to manually annotate membrane-associated particles.
MemBrain-pick is part of the MemBrain v2 [1] package and still under early development. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at [email protected]
[1] Lamm, L., Zufferey, S., Righetto, R.D., Wietrzynski, W., Yamauchi, K.A., Burt, A., Liu, Y., Zhang, H., Martinez-Sanchez, A., Ziegler, S., Isensee, F., Schnabel, J.A., Engel, B.D., and Peng, T, 2024. MemBrain v2: an end-to-end tool for the analysis of membranes in cryo-electron tomography. bioRxiv,