Download file package (file size: 13G):
wget -c https://usf.box.com/shared/static/c4656df0rz10vw6z7ra11mkw69ulr9d3 -O MetaRNN.tar.gz
OR open the save link in any web browser: https://usf.box.com/shared/static/c4656df0rz10vw6z7ra11mkw69ulr9d3
OR get it from figshare.
Extract downloaded folder:
tar -xf MetaRNN.tar.gz cd MetaRNN
Create conda environment with required packages and activate the virtual environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate MetaRNN
Run example VCF file in hg38 genome assembly:
python ./MetaRNN.py hg38 test.vcf
Supplementary Tables and model analyses associated with the publication are available under folders Data and Notebooks.
Tensorflow models of MetaRNN and MetaRNN-indel are available under Resources/Models, with names RNN_DNN_adam.h5 and RNN_DNN_indel_adam.h5, respectively.
The code for the MetaRNN pipeline, including data preparation and making predictions, is available under Resources/Pipeline.