Ever wanted to see how cryptocurrencies are faring against each other? Look no further. Crypto gain or crypto pain allows you to see the exchange rates of all cryptocurrency trading pairs listed on Binance and the degree to which this has changed in the past 24hrs.
Provides an API with a frontend user interface for querying the past 24hrs of data on cryptocurrency trading pairs from binance. The data is fetched through binance's API and is hosted on a local sqlite database generated/updated on app startup. It shows price changes for trading pairs and indicates winners and losers in the past 24hrs (+/- 5% price change). Data is sortable and can be filtered by user input. Users can also submit their own trades and see how they would have fared.
You will need a binance API token in order for interactions with their API to work. Instructions for how to create one can be found here: https://www.binance.com/en/support/faq/360002502072.
Once you have your token and secret token these should be placed in a .cfg file referenced in main.py e.g. cfg.read("path/to/your/tokens.cfg")
with the following format:
api_key: your-api-key
api_secret_key: your-api-secret-key
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Inititate the app via the command line:
uvicorn main:app
Or directly with python:
python main.py
Click url link displayed in terminal or open browser at to view searchable table.
Jinja2 templating engine
SQLAlchemy with sqlite3
Credit to Jonas Earendel for the original JavaScript and CSS which I adapted for the sort feature: https://github.com/tofsjonas/sortable.
Cryptocurrency icons from the excellent Cryptoicons project as well as from Crypto Logos, https://github.com/coinwink/cryptocurrency-logos and https://github.com/spothq/cryptocurrency-icons.