A simple education platform with motivation and collaboration in mind.
This project is currently under really early development.
- Dumb simple: Finding your ways through documents and administration shouldn't be a pain. Chuech is free of any unnecessary complexity to make sure you get what you need quickly.
- Packed with content creation tools: Documents? They're nice. But many other kinds of content exist, providing more efficient ways to learn than by reading your lesson: flashcards, mind maps, quizzes, etc. Chuech gives you the tools to create those and interact with them within the application.
- Inciting to progress: For a lot of people, studying is boring. We're going to try to make it a little bit more fun with experience and levels. Anyone can strive for being better and get rewarded by doing so.
- Inciting to share and collaborate: Students often create their own learning material; it would really be a shame to not let everyone make use of them. With Chuech's trustworthiness score (we should find a better name), you get rewarded when people successfully learn something with your content — like StackOverflow basically.
- .NET 6 SDK
- Docker
- Run
docker-compose up
in the project root directory - That's it, isn't docker awesome?
- Core API:
- OIDC (IS4):
- Web app: