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Infraohjelmointi API

Backend repository for infraohjelmointi API service in City of Helsinki.

Instructions in this assume that you know what docker and docker-compose are, and you already have both installed locally. Also you understand what docker-compose up -d means. This helps to keep the concise.

Technical documentation can be found from Confluence.

Table of Contents

Ways of working


To make our commits more informative those should be written in a format of Conventional Commits i.e. a suitable prefix should be added in the beginning of every commit e.g. feat: built a notification or refactor:... etc. The Conventional Commits could be properly configured to the project in the future.


Hotfixes should be done by creating a hotfix branch out of main and then merge that to main and develop to avoid doing any rebases.


The common way of merging branches is using normal merges i.e. not using squash merging unless there is a situation when squashing should be done.

Setting up local development environment with Docker

In order to create placeholder for your own environment variables file, make a local .env.template copy:

cp .env.template .env

Then you can run docker image as detached mode with:

docker-compose up

What next?

TL;DR: Execute all commands under Populate database to get all data in local environment.

Populate database

Execute all commands under this title to get database fully functional.

Hierarchy and project data

Project data and finances can be imported using excel files into the infra tool.

When importing, you need to run scripts in the container:

docker exec -it infraohjelmointi-api sh

Importing Location/Class hierarchy structure and Planning (TS) and Budget (TAE) files:

  • Location/Class hierarchy structure

    ./ -c path/to/hierarchy.xlsx
  • Planning and Budget files (e.g. in Excels folder):

    ./ -d path/to/Excels/

Import project location options

Import project location options:

python locationimporter --file path/to/locationdata.xlsx

Import new persons

Import new person information into responsible persons list. The list can be found from project form:

python responsiblepersons --file path/to/filename.xlsx

Updates to database

These adds missing or modifies existing data.

Update projects' missing projectDistrict_id value with

\i update-districts.sql

Add phase indexes:

\i update-phase-indexes.sql

Update costForecast:

\i update-costForecast.sql

Add a new project type preConstruction:

\i update-projecttypes.sql

Add 'eri suurpiirejä' option:

python locationimporter --eri-suurpiirejä

Add 'eri kaupunginosia' option:

python locationimporter --eri-kaupunginosia

Add or delete API token

The backend has own API for 3rd party use that can be used to fetch data.

More information can be found from Technical documentation.

Add new API token:

python generatetoken --name AppNameToken

This creates a new User which name is --name value.

Delete API token:

python generatetoken --name ExistingAPITokenName --deletetoken

Managing project packages

  • We use pip to manage python packages we need

  • After adding a new package to requirements.txt file, compile it and re-build the Docker image so that the container would have access to the new package

    docker-compose up --build


Tests are written for django management commands and the endpoints. They can be found in the following location:


Run the tests

python test

An optional verbosity parameter can be added to get a more descriptive view of the tests

python test -v 1/2/3

Test coverage

The codebase should always have a test coverage % higher than 65%. It is usualy measured with SonarCloud in the PR pipeline, but if needed to get the % locally, a report can be created with pytest-cov.

  1. If not installed inside the container, you need to install pytest-django and pytest-cov

    pip install pytest-django
    pip install pytest-cov
  2. Run

    pytest --cov=infraohjelmointi_api/

    to get the test coverage report from the whole project. You can also specify folders or files by changing the value given to --cov=

External data sources

Infra tool project data and financial data can be imported from external sources.


To synchronize project data with SAP in local environment, VPN service provided by platta should be running.

Populate DB with SAP costs and commitments using management command:

python sapsynchronizer

All projects in DB will also be synced with SAP to update SAP costs and commitments at midnight through the CRON job and script:


The CRON job is added on both prod and dev environments.

More documentation on Confluence.


Sync all project data in the DB with ProjectWise:

python projectimporter --sync-projects-with-pw

Sync project by PW id in the DB with ProjectWise

python projectimporter --sync-project-from-pw pw_id

Projects are also synced to PW service when a PATCH request is made to the projecs endpoint.

Scripts were used when dev and prod environments were setup for the first time.

More documentation on Confluence.

Production release

  1. Create a release PR from develop to main
  2. Wait for the PR pipeline to run and check that all checks pass
  3. Merge the PR
  4. Trigger build-infraohjelmointi-api-stageprod
  5. Approve pipeline run in Azure DevOps. Deploy pipelines are triggered by the build pipeline but prod deploy needs to be approved separately (=2 approvals in total). To approve:
    1. Open the pipeline run you want to approve (from left menu, select Pipelines)
    2. Select the correct pipeline
    3. Select the run you need to approve
    4. Wait and click a button to approve it (pipeline run is paused until you approve).


Infraohjelmoinnin työkalu backend






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