A slimefun addon for minecraft.
This plugin made by me.Please do not claim this plugin as yours, because i put a lot of work on it.
Please notify: the Public License has been changed.
请注意: 开源协议已被更改.
GPLv3 → AGPLv3
- 简体中文 zh-CN
- 繁體中文 zh-TW
- English(UK) en-UK
- English(US) en-US (default)
- Spigot / PaperSpigot 1.13.x
- Spigot / PaperSpigot 1.14.x
- Spigot / PaperSpigot 1.15.x
Javadocs: http://claytech.claycoffee.space/javadocs/
Want to translate this plugin to other languages?Just start an issue and a pull request and I will check and merge it.