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Integration in Python

Florian Jug edited this page Feb 17, 2015 · 1 revision

Python integration

This page describes how to serve data to the ClearVolume Viewer with the help of the Python package pyclearvolume.


Either via pip

pip install git+

or classically

git clone

cd pyclearvolume

python install

to test if everything worked just run from the command line

python -m pyclearvolume

which will serve some dummy data to the default port (9140 on localhost) ClearVolume is listening to.

After that you can open the ClearVolume network client


and should see - after connecting to localhost - some colorful volumes popping up.


To create a instance of the data server just do

d = pyclearvolume.DataServer(
    address = "localhost",
	port = 9140,
	maxVolumeNumber = 20,
    dropVolumeOnFull = True)

then start the server


and send some data

d.sendData(data, time = 0, channel = 1, color ="1.0 0.4 0.2 1.0") 


Here is a more realistic example which sends a linearly filled random colored box with random dimensions every second:

import numpy as np
import time

import pyclearvolume

print "creating the server"

d = pyclearvolume.DataServer(maxVolumeNumber=20)

print "starting the server"


print "starting to serve data"

N = 128
data = np.linspace(0,65000,N**3).reshape((N,)*3).astype(np.uint16)

t = 0
while True:
	  args = {}
	  args["color"] = "%s %s %s 1."%tuple([str(c) for c in np.random.uniform(0,1,3)])
	  args["voxelwidth"] = np.random.uniform(.2,1.6)
	  args["voxelheight"] = np.random.uniform(.2,1.6)
	  args["voxeldepth"] = np.random.uniform(.2,1.6)
	  args["index"] = t

	  print "sending..."
	  t += 1