This repo is CloudBread Encryption Development Tool
This project is Encryption test tool for CloudBread. You can encrypt and decrypt AES256 data with Postman request/response on development.
###Install guide This projet is build for Visual Studio 2015 - Windows Form porject. Download and open sln file in your Visual Studio and execure it.
###Usage guide To Encryption,
- Paste plain text on "PlainText" texebox and click "Encrypt" button.
- Confirm the Encrypted Text on "EncryptedText" textbox and click "Copy to clipboard"
To Decryption,
- Paste Encrypted text on "EncryptedText" texebox and click "Decrypt" button.
- Confirm the Plain Text on "PlainText" textbox and click "Copy to clipboard"
You can change your AES Key and IV as CloudBread server config.