Cloudify Kubernetes feature demo.
From e-mail:
- UC 1: How we can manage multi cluster kubernetes from cloudify. (Blueprint multi-cluster)
- UC 2: How we can manage distributed service deployments and automate application governance. (Kubernetes functionality)
- UC 3: Kubernetes full lifecycle management from cloudify including auto scale and heal, mass upgrade, updates. (Blueprint EKS or AKS - update, heal, blueprint update)
- UC 4: How we can deploy the same service which is running in one cluster to multiple clusters. (Blueprint multi-cluster)
- UC 5: How we can use cloudify to integrate kubernetes with external database, network, storage. (Plugins and Blueprint k3s-rds)(external DB on AWS RDS + k3s cluster on EC2 instance)
- UC 6: How we can set policies for better workload placement (based on location, resource availablity) (Kubernetes functionality)