- Timestamps, align, pointcloud, saving options
- Runs at properly at 6, 15, 30 fps
- Made for streaming with two Intel RealSense cameras
- Frames saved in fssLeft and fssRight vectors in memory
- Commented out if(POINTCLOUD) and if(SAVE_PNG) to prevent fps lowering
- Before running: enable SAVE_PNG to check frames saved in correct directories - if not invert CAM_SWITCHED
- Poll left camera, Process, Poll right camera, Process
- Real time
- Frames poorly synchronized
- Poll left camera, Poll right camera, Process
- Real time
- Frames mostly synchronized
- Extract .bag files, Process, Ensure synchronized timestamps
- Post processing
V 2 camera RGB/depth stream
V Map depth to color
V Sync between 2 pairs
V Cancel initial exposure
V Save RGB/depth frames as PNG
V Stream at stable fps (currently 640x480)
V Allow user to set fps, resolution
V Check single camera rgb/depth sync timestamp difference
V Raw bits, binary output
V Output timestamp to text file
V Intrinsic parameters of 4 cameras (checkboard, matlab)
V FPS for streaming (6, 15, 30, 60)
V Check FPS after all processing
V Save pointcloud
V Master-Slave sync, disable auto RS2_OPTION_DISABLE_AUTO_EXPOSURE
V Fix timestamp duplicates and skips
V Ensure left and right cameras synchronized
Get laptop
Download Visual Studio C++
Go to
Go to Assets
Download latest Intel.RealSense.SDK-WIN10-2.24.0939.exe
Go to Local Disk (C:) -> Program Files (x86) -> IntelRealSense SDK 2.0
Open examples by clicking on multicam.vcxproj
Replace rs-multicam.cpp code with own rs-multicam.cpp code
Right click project >> Set as Startup Project
Go to
Download to C:/Program Files
Open cmd window as admin
Type: cd C:/Program Files/vcpkg-master
Type: bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
Type: vcpkg search opencv
If machine x64 not x86, type: set VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET=x64-window
Type: vcpkg install opencv
Type: vcpkg list
Type: vcpkg integrate install (integrates vcpkg with Visual Studio)
Project >> align-save properties >> C/C++ >> General >> Additional Include Directories
Add C:\Program Files\vcpkg-master\installed\x64-windows\include;
Attach camera sync cable
Plug left camera to left USB and right camera to right USB
Build code
Run Local Windows Debugger to start recording and streaming
Press stop debugging to stop recording and streaming