#This Eclipse project is outdated. Please refer to the Android Studio app for a more current example of how to use the CommuteStream SDK: https://github.com/CommuteStream/SimpleBanner-AndroidStudio
SimpleBanner provides a basic example of how to use the CommuteStream SDK. These instructions are designed for Eclipse users.
- Android SDK 3.2 or higher
- Google Play Services SDK and Google Mobile Ads SDK for Android
- CommuteStream SDK for Android
- Working AdMob Ad ID
- Eclipse
- https://github.com/CommuteStream/simplebanner.git
- In Eclipse, Click the File menu, and select Import.
- Select Existing Android Code Into Workspace, click Next.
- Click the Browse button and select the base directory of the source code.
- Click Finish.
- Right click on your app project in Eclipse and select Properties.
- Select Android and make sure you have selected a version greater that 3.2 under Project Build Target.
- If you havn't already, install Google Play Services: https://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/adding-packages.html
- Right click on your app project in Eclipse and select Properties.
- Select Android and then click Add.... Find the google-play-services_lib project and select OK to add the Google Play services library.
- Download the jar file from https://commutestreamdev.com/downloads/commutestream.jar
- Right click on your app project in Eclipse and select Properties.
- Select Java Build Path and the Libraries tab.
- Click Add External JARs... to add the CommuteStream Jar file.
- Select the Order and Export tab; check the box next to the Jar file.
- The android-support-v4.jar is included in the Android SDK in the \extras\android\support\v4 folder. Visit http://developer.android.com/sdk/compatibility-library.html#Downloading for more information.
- Include this jar the same way as the CommuteStream jar above.
- Log into the AdMob interface (https://apps.admob.com/).
- Setup a new + New ad unit or find an Ad Unit ID that you already have setup.
- In SimpleBanner.java, replace "INSERT_YOUR_ADMOB_AD_UNIT_ID_HERE" with the valid Ad unit ID.
Go to http://commutestream.com/publisherinterface/app. After signing in you will be provided with a CommuteStream Ad Unit ID. Leave the browser window open, as we will need this ID in step 8 below.
Log into the AdMob interface (https://apps.admob.com/).
Click on Monetize tab of main menu.
Click on All apps in left column, then select the app that contains the ad unit you are using.
On the right side of the screen click Edit mediation link next to the ad unit you are using.
Click + New ad network
Click + Custom Event, then enter the following in the three fields that pop up, and click Continue:
Class Name: com.commutestream.ads.Banner Label: CommuteStream Parameter: <Your Ad Unit ID obtained in step 1>
Adjust the Default eCPM for CommuteStream to be the largest amount. Since we pay you the most you will want our ads to have first priority.