Vofog is a game engine that is focused on lightweight and fast development to test/launch feutures quickly.
- Fully featured rendering engine
- ImGui UI
- Drag & Drop
- Level design
- Drag/Drop lighting
- scaling / rotating / moving entites
- Drag & Drop
- Scripting system
- Full Lua scripting support
- write scripts at runtime in UI, just save script and watch changes
- Bullet Physics
- Collision shape will map to entities based on model, primitive, etc
- LOD slider for how precise collision shape is
- Collision shape will map to entities based on model, primitive, etc
- Fully Pure ECS
- Save/Load(copy/paste) individual scenes
- Serialized with binary but supports all C++17 features
- Fully programmable shader stack
- GPU pipeline modifiable (limited due to OpenGL context)