.NET library CompuMaster.Console which additionally provides logging as plain text and HTML
Install-Package CompuMaster.Console
- Just use CompuMaster.Console instead of System.Console
- At any time when required, write a full log into a variable or file on disk
- Supports text indentation with multiple indentation levels
- Use with plain text and/or HTML
// Create some wonderful output to the console
CompuMaster.Console.Write("Hello ");
CompuMaster.Console.ForegroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.White;
CompuMaster.Console.BackgroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.Blue;
CompuMaster.Console.WriteLine("This is white text on blue background.");
CompuMaster.Console.WriteLine("This is another yellow text on gray background.", System.ConsoleColor.Yellow, System.ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
CompuMaster.Console.WarnLine("WARNING: Now, let's see the indentation feature");
CompuMaster.Console.CurrentIndentationLevel += 1;
CompuMaster.Console.Write("Okay, let's start indentation: ");
CompuMaster.Console.WriteLine("This is a text with " + CompuMaster.Console.CurrentIndentationLevel + " levels of indentation");
CompuMaster.Console.CurrentIndentationLevel += 1;
CompuMaster.Console.Write("It's time to continue: ");
CompuMaster.Console.WriteLine("This is a text with " + CompuMaster.Console.CurrentIndentationLevel + " levels of indentation");
CompuMaster.Console.Log("Please note: ");
CompuMaster.Console.LogLine("This line will only appear in log, but with " + CompuMaster.Console.CurrentIndentationLevel + " levels of indentation");
CompuMaster.Console.CurrentIndentationLevel += 1;
CompuMaster.Console.Write("Yeah, get some more indentation: ");
CompuMaster.Console.WriteLine("This is a text with " + CompuMaster.Console.CurrentIndentationLevel + " levels of indentation");
CompuMaster.Console.CurrentIndentationLevel = 1;
CompuMaster.Console.WriteLine("This is a multiline text, line 1" + ControlChars.CrLf + "This is a multiline text, line 2" + ControlChars.Cr + "This is a multiline text, line 3" + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.CrLf + "This is a multiline text, line 1 of paragraph 2" + ControlChars.CrLf + "This is a multiline text, line 2 of paragraph 2");
CompuMaster.Console.CurrentIndentationLevel = 0;
CompuMaster.Console.WriteDual("Now, let's write plain text tables to console + plaint text log, but write nicely formatted table to HTML log" + System.Environment.NewLine, "<h2>Now, let's write plain text tables to console + plaint text log, but write nicely formatted table to HTML log</h2>");
DataTable DemoTable = CompuMaster.Data.Csv.ReadDataTableFromCsvString("Key,Description,DemoData" + ControlChars.CrLf + "Row 1,Hello world!,You'll see nicely formatted plain text at console and plain text log" + ControlChars.CrLf + "Row 2,Great news!,This table will be formatted very nicely at HTML log", true, ',', '"', false, true);
DemoTable.TableName = "Pretty demo table";
CompuMaster.Console.LogDual("", "<style>" + ControlChars.CrLf + " tbody tr:nth-child(odd){background-color: #3c3c3c;}; " + ControlChars.CrLf + " tbody td{padding: 30px;}" + ControlChars.CrLf + "</style>");
CompuMaster.Console.WriteLineDual(CompuMaster.Data.DataTables.ConvertToPlainTextTableFixedColumnWidths(DemoTable), CompuMaster.Data.DataTables.ConvertToHtmlTable(DemoTable, "<h3>", "</h3>", "style=\"width: 100%\""));
CompuMaster.Console.OkayLine("OKAY: This nice sample has completed!");
// Write log to disk
'Create some wonderful output to the console
CompuMaster.Console.Write("Hello ")
CompuMaster.Console.ForegroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.White
CompuMaster.Console.BackgroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.Blue
CompuMaster.Console.WriteLine("This is white text on blue background.")
CompuMaster.Console.WriteLine("This is another yellow text on gray background.", System.ConsoleColor.Yellow, System.ConsoleColor.DarkGray)
CompuMaster.Console.WarnLine("WARNING: Now, let's see the indentation feature")
CompuMaster.Console.CurrentIndentationLevel += 1
CompuMaster.Console.Write("Okay, let's start indentation: ")
CompuMaster.Console.WriteLine("This is a text with " & CompuMaster.Console.CurrentIndentationLevel & " levels of indentation")
CompuMaster.Console.CurrentIndentationLevel += 1
CompuMaster.Console.Write("It's time to continue: ")
CompuMaster.Console.WriteLine("This is a text with " & CompuMaster.Console.CurrentIndentationLevel & " levels of indentation")
CompuMaster.Console.Log("Please note: ")
CompuMaster.Console.LogLine("This line will only appear in log, but with " & CompuMaster.Console.CurrentIndentationLevel & " levels of indentation")
CompuMaster.Console.CurrentIndentationLevel += 1
CompuMaster.Console.Write("Yeah, get some more indentation: ")
CompuMaster.Console.WriteLine("This is a text with " & CompuMaster.Console.CurrentIndentationLevel & " levels of indentation")
CompuMaster.Console.CurrentIndentationLevel = 1
CompuMaster.Console.WriteLine("This is a multiline text, line 1" & ControlChars.CrLf & "This is a multiline text, line 2" & ControlChars.Cr & "This is a multiline text, line 3" & ControlChars.Lf & ControlChars.CrLf & "This is a multiline text, line 1 of paragraph 2" & ControlChars.CrLf & "This is a multiline text, line 2 of paragraph 2")
CompuMaster.Console.CurrentIndentationLevel = 0
CompuMaster.Console.WriteDual("Now, let's write plain text tables to console + plaint text log, but write nicely formatted table to HTML log" & System.Environment.NewLine,
"<h2>Now, let's write plain text tables to console + plaint text log, but write nicely formatted table to HTML log</h2>")
Dim DemoTable As DataTable = CompuMaster.Data.Csv.ReadDataTableFromCsvString("Key,Description,DemoData" & ControlChars.CrLf &
"Row 1,Hello world!,You'll see nicely formatted plain text at console and plain text log" & ControlChars.CrLf &
"Row 2,Great news!,This table will be formatted very nicely at HTML log", True, ","c, """"c, False, True)
DemoTable.TableName = "Pretty demo table"
"<style>" & ControlChars.CrLf &
" tbody tr:nth-child(odd){background-color: #3c3c3c;}; " & ControlChars.CrLf &
" tbody td{padding: 30px;}" & ControlChars.CrLf &
CompuMaster.Data.DataTables.ConvertToHtmlTable(DemoTable, "<h3>", "</h3>", "style=""width: 100%"""))
CompuMaster.Console.OkayLine("OKAY: This nice sample has completed!")
'Write log to disk