pip install numpy
pip install scipy
pip install h5py
pip install pytorch
pip install PyMCubes
The link to the dataset after preprocessing is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yh5EitNemKXaurRYX7YdHUWAbfHtEF12/view?usp=sharing
Progressive training
python3 train.py --epoch 200 --sample_vox_size 16
python3 train.py --epoch 200 --sample_vox_size 32
python3 train.py --epoch 200 --sample_vox_size 64
python3 test.py --sample_dir samples/im_ae_out --start 0 --end 8
python3 train.py --getz
python3 test.py --testz --sample_dir samples/gan_out --start 0 --end 8