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Fix and test voter power fraction computation.
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td202 committed Jun 17, 2024
1 parent c03558c commit 7ae8ef0
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Showing 2 changed files with 89 additions and 43 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List (union)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Lens.Micro.Platform

import Concordium.Genesis.Data.BaseV1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -511,44 +511,16 @@ processTimeout tm = do
-- should either be the current epoch or the previous one.
let maybeFinComm = getFinalizersForEpoch (cbEpoch highestCB)
forM_ maybeFinComm $ \finCommQC -> do
-- The baker IDs of the finalizers who have signed in the first epoch.
let firstBakerIds
| Just firstFinComm <- getFinalizersForEpoch tmFirstEpoch =
bakerIdsFor firstFinComm tmFirstEpochTimeouts
| otherwise = []
-- The baker IDs of the finalizers who have signed in the second epoch.
let secondBakerIds
| not (null tmSecondEpochTimeouts),
Just secondFinComm <- getFinalizersForEpoch (tmFirstEpoch + 1) =
bakerIdsFor secondFinComm tmSecondEpochTimeouts
| otherwise = []
-- Compute the accumulated voting power by folding over the finalization committee.
-- We are here making use of the fact that the finalization committee is ordered
-- by ascending baker ids and that the list of bakerids are also ordered by ascending baker id.
-- Moreover there MUST be no duplicates in either @firstBakerIds@ or @secondBakerIds@.
let voterPowerSum =
fst $
( \(!accum, bids) finalizer ->
-- We are done accumulating.
if null bids
then (accum, [])
if head bids == finalizerBakerId finalizer
then -- If we have a match we add the weight to the
-- accumulator and proceed to the next baker id
-- and finalizer.
(accum + finalizerWeight finalizer, tail bids)
else -- If we did not have a match we continue
-- checking with a new finalizer.
(accum, bids)
(0, firstBakerIds `union` secondBakerIds)
(committeeFinalizers finCommQC)
let totalWeightRational = toRational $ committeeTotalWeight finCommQC
-- Determine the fractional weight of the finalizers that have signed timeout messages.
let voterPowerFrac =
(getFinalizersForEpoch tmFirstEpoch)
(getFinalizersForEpoch (tmFirstEpoch + 1))
(Map.keys tmFirstEpochTimeouts)
(Map.keys tmSecondEpochTimeouts)
genesisSigThreshold <- toRational . genesisSignatureThreshold . gmParameters <$> use genesisMetadata
let voterPowerSumRational = toRational voterPowerSum
when (voterPowerSumRational / totalWeightRational >= genesisSigThreshold) $ do
when (voterPowerFrac >= genesisSigThreshold) $ do
let currentRound = _rsCurrentRound currentRoundStatus
let tc = makeTimeoutCertificate currentRound newTimeoutMessages
Expand All @@ -557,14 +529,49 @@ processTimeout tm = do
rtTimeoutCertificate = tc

-- | Compute the fraction of the total weight of the finalizers that have signed timeout messages.
-- This is used to determine whether a timeout certificate should be formed.
-- The weight of a finalizer is considered to be its weight in the first finalization committee.
-- The baker identities are determined by the finalization committees for the first and second
-- epoch. If either of these is not provided, the corresponding set of baker identities is empty.
-- (Generally, if the finalization committee is not provided, then the timeout messages for that
-- epoch should also be empty.)
voterPowerFraction ::
-- | The finalization committee used for weighting the finalizers.
FinalizationCommittee ->
-- | The finalization committee for the first epoch.
Maybe FinalizationCommittee ->
-- | The finalization committee for the second epoch.
Maybe FinalizationCommittee ->
-- | The finalizer indexes that have signed in the first epoch.
[FinalizerIndex] ->
-- | The finalizer indexes that have signed in the second epoch.
[FinalizerIndex] ->
-- | The fraction of the total weight of the finalizers that have signed.
voterPowerFraction finCommQC mFirstFinComm mSecondFinComm firstEpochTimeouts secondEpochTimeouts =
toRational voterPowerSum / toRational (committeeTotalWeight finCommQC)
-- baker ids for the finalizers who have signed off the message.
-- Note that the finalization committee is sorted by ascending baker ids.
bakerIdsFor finComm timeouts =
-- The sum of the voter power of the finalizers who have signed.
voterPowerSum = sum $ voterPower <$> committeeFinalizers finCommQC
-- The weight that a finalizer contributes to the timeout certificate.
-- A finalizer only contributes if they have signed (in either epoch), otherwise
-- it contributes weight 0.
voterPower finalizer
| finalizerBakerId finalizer `Set.member` allBakerIds = finalizerWeight finalizer
| otherwise = 0
allBakerIds = Set.fromList $ firstBakerIds ++ secondBakerIds
-- The baker IDs of the finalizers who have signed in the first epoch.
firstBakerIds = bakerIdsFor mFirstFinComm firstEpochTimeouts
-- The baker IDs of the finalizers who have signed in the second epoch.
secondBakerIds = bakerIdsFor mSecondFinComm secondEpochTimeouts
-- The baker IDs of the finalizers who have signed in the given epoch.
bakerIdsFor (Just finComm) timeouts =
(fmap finalizerBakerId . finalizerByIndex finComm)
-- Note that @Map.keys@ returns the keys in ascending order.
(Map.keys timeouts)
bakerIdsFor Nothing _ = []

-- | Make a 'TimeoutCertificate' from a 'TimeoutMessages'.
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -707,6 +707,44 @@ testCheckTimeoutCertificate sProtocolVersion =
let tc = validTCFor qc
in tc{tcAggregateSignature = TimeoutSignature Bls.emptySignature}

-- | Tests the 'voterPowerFraction' function.
testVoterPowerFraction :: Spec
testVoterPowerFraction = describe "voterPowerFraction" $ do
it "no finalizers have signed" $
assertEqual "voterPowerFraction fc1 (Just fc1) Nothing [] []" 0 $
voterPowerFraction fc1 (Just fc1) Nothing [] []
it "all finalizers have signed" $
assertEqual "voterPowerFraction fc1 (Just fc1) Nothing [0, 1, 2, 3] []" 1 $
voterPowerFraction fc1 (Just fc1) Nothing (FinalizerIndex <$> [0, 1, 2, 3]) []
it "all finalizers have signed over two epochs" $ do
assertEqual "voterPowerFraction fc1 (Just fc1) (Just fc2) [1, 2, 3] [0, 1]" 1 $
voterPowerFraction fc1 (Just fc1) (Just fc2) (FinalizerIndex <$> [1, 2, 3]) (FinalizerIndex <$> [0, 1])
assertEqual "voterPowerFraction fc2 (Just fc1) (Just fc2) [1, 2, 3] [0, 1]" 1 $
voterPowerFraction fc2 (Just fc1) (Just fc2) (FinalizerIndex <$> [1, 2, 3]) (FinalizerIndex <$> [0, 1])
it "some finalizers have signed" $ do
assertEqual "voterPowerFraction fc1 (Just fc1) Nothing [0, 1] []" (11 % 31) $
voterPowerFraction fc1 (Just fc1) Nothing (FinalizerIndex <$> [0, 1]) []
assertEqual "voterPowerFraction fc1 (Just fc1) (Just fc2) [0, 1] [0, 1]" (11 % 31) $
voterPowerFraction fc1 (Just fc1) (Just fc2) (FinalizerIndex <$> [0, 1]) (FinalizerIndex <$> [0, 1])
assertEqual "voterPowerFraction fc2 (Just fc1) (Just fc2) [0, 1] [0, 1]" (12 % 31) $
voterPowerFraction fc2 (Just fc1) (Just fc2) (FinalizerIndex <$> [0, 1]) (FinalizerIndex <$> [0, 1])
makeFC :: [(BakerId, VoterPower)] -> FinalizationCommittee
makeFC finalizers =
(Vec.fromList $ makeFinalizerInfo <$> zip [FinalizerIndex 0 ..] finalizers)
(sum $ snd <$> finalizers)
makeFinalizerInfo (finIndex, (bId, vPower)) =
(VRF.publicKey Common.dummyVRFKeys)
(Bls.derivePublicKey $ Dummy.generateBlsSecretKeyFromSeed 0)
fc1 = makeFC [(0, 10), (1, 1), (3, 10), (7, 10)]
fc2 = makeFC [(0, 10), (2, 2), (3, 10), (7, 9)]

tests :: Spec
tests = describe "KonsensusV1.Timeout" $ do
Common.forEveryProtocolVersionConsensusV1 $ \spv pvString ->
Expand All @@ -725,3 +763,4 @@ tests = describe "KonsensusV1.Timeout" $ do
testUpdateCurrentTimeout 3_000 (4 % 3) 4_000
testUpdateCurrentTimeout 80_000 (10 % 9) 88_888
testUpdateCurrentTimeout 8_000 (8 % 7) 9_142

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