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Make it so

Make it so #81

name: Release Workflow
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Step 1: Checkout the code
- name: Checkout Code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: ${{ github.head_ref }} # Checkout the correct branch name
fetch-depth: 0 # Fetch the whole repo history
# Step 2: Prepare the signing certificate and key
- name: Prepare Signing Certificate and Key
run: |
echo "${{ secrets.NEXTCLOUD_SIGNING_CERT }}" > signing-cert.crt
echo "${{ secrets.NEXTCLOUD_SIGNING_KEY }}" > signing-key.key
# Step 3: Install Node.js dependencies using npm
- name: Install npm dependencies
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: '18.x' # Specify Node.js version
# Step 4: Install PHP extensions
- name: Set up PHP and install extensions
uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
php-version: '8.2'
extensions: zip, gd
# Step 5: Build the node dependencies
- run: npm ci
# Step 6: Build the node dependencies
- run: npm run build
# Step 7: Build composer dependencies
- run: composer i --no-dev
# Step 8: Copy the files into the package directory, excluding .git and package itself
- name: Copy the package files into the package
run: |
mkdir -p package/opencatalogi
rsync -av --progress \
--exclude='package' \
--exclude='.git' \
--exclude='.github' \
--exclude='.vscode' \
--exclude='docker' \
--exclude='docs' \
--exclude='node_modules' \
--exclude='src' \
--exclude='test' \
--exclude='package-lock.json' \
--exclude='composer.lock' \
--exclude='composer-setup.php' \
--exclude='.phpunit.result.cache' \
--exclude='phpmd.xml' \
--exclude='signing-key.key' \
--exclude='package.json' \
--exclude='composer.json' \
--exclude='coverage.txt' \
--exclude='signing-cert.crt' \
--exclude='docker-compose.yml' \
--exclude='webpack.config.js' \
--exclude='.prettierrc' \
--exclude='psalm.xml' \
--exclude='phpunit.xml' \
--exclude='tsconfig.json' \
--exclude='changelog-ci-config.json' \
--exclude='jest.config.js' \
--exclude='.gitattributes' \
--exclude='.php-cs-fixer.dist.php' \
--exclude='.gitignore' \
--exclude='.eslintrc.js' \
--exclude='stylelint.config.js' \
--exclude='.babelrc' \
--exclude='.nvmrc' \
./ package/opencatalogi/
# Step 9: Create the TAR.GZ archive with code in opencatalogi directory
- name: Create Tarball
run: |
cd package && tar -czf ../nexcloud-release.tar.gz opencatalogi
# Step 10: Sign the TAR.GZ file with OpenSSL
- name: Sign the TAR.GZ file with OpenSSL
run: |
openssl dgst -sha512 -sign signing-key.key -out nexcloud-release.signature nexcloud-release.tar.gz
# Step 11: Generate Git version information
- name: Git Version
id: version
uses: codacy/[email protected]
release-branch: main
# Step 12: Extract repository description
- name: Extract repository description
id: repo-description
run: |
description=$(jq -r '.description' <(curl -s${{ github.repository }}))
echo "REPO_DESCRIPTION=$description" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Step 13: Run Changelog CI
- name: Run Changelog CI
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
uses: saadmk11/[email protected]
release_version: ${{ steps.version.outputs.version }}
config_file: changelog-ci-config.json
# Step 14: Output the version
- name: Use the version
run: |
echo ${{ steps.version.outputs.version }}
# Step 15: Copy the files into the package directory, excluding .git and package itself
- name: Copy the package files into the package
run: |
mkdir -p package/opencatalogi
rsync -av --progress --exclude='package' --exclude='.git' ./ package/opencatalogi/
# Step 16: Create the ZIP archive with code in opencatalogi directory
- name: Create ZIP
run: |
cd package && zip -r ../ opencatalogi
# Step 17: Create the TAR.GZ archive with code in opencatalogi directory
- name: Create Tarball
run: |
cd package && tar -czf ../opencatalogi-build.tar.gz opencatalogi
# Step 18: Create a new release on GitHub
- name: Upload Release
uses: ncipollo/[email protected]
artifacts: |
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
tag: ${{ steps.version.outputs.version }}