Filter/group/sort strings from a text file. Generic command-line tool for parsing/analyzing logs or similar files.
Usage: StringProc [ConfigFileName] [InputFileName]
If no InputFileName passed, then it is specified in config file. If no ConfigFileName passed, then StringProc.cfg is used.
Config file syntax.
One command per line. Lines starting with ';' are comments - ignored.
; Specify source file to process
; Specify output file name. If not specified, then input file name is used with extension replaced with '.out'
; Specify filter: each string should match the regular expression to be processed.
; It's possible to specify up to 5 filters: if string doesn't match any filter - it is ignored.
; Specify regular expression for the exclude filter. If string match, then extracted value is tested.
; String for the exclude test: if this string contains the extracted value, the source string is ignored.
; Group strings by value extracted with this regular expression
; If this token is specified, then only groups summary is printed to the output
; Sort strings withing each group by the value extracted with this regular expression.
; If extracted values are integers, they're sorted as integers (i.e. "3" is less than "31"), otherwise as strings
; Group function: count strings that match this regular expression
; Group function: calculate average of values extracted with this regular expression (they must be integers)
; Group functions: get min/max of values extracted with this regular expression (they must be integers)
It's possible to define multiple configs in one file using this syntax:
; common config lines
; This selects block2
>>> block2
/// block1
; These lines are ignored, because block2 is selected
/// block2
; These lines are used
/// block3
; These lines are ignored too