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Haskell Debugging Guide

Harshkumar Patel edited this page Feb 12, 2025 · 1 revision

An Introduction to Debugging in Haskell


There is a general purpose debugging guide available here, but it is outdated and lacks information on how to navigate a modern debugger like gdb. This guide will cover two main techniques for debugging a program in Haskell. The first method involves inserting print statements using Debug.Trace, a built-in package that is great for debugging smaller problems. The second will focus on tracing through the code using the GHCi debugger, which is very closely related in function to gdb, the debugger used in C in courses like CSC209 and CSC369. Note: If any issues arise or new commands, tools, or features become useful, please update this guide accordingly!


This library is a quick and effective way to print values of objects in your Haskell Program. We will look at trace and traceM. If you want to explore more with this library, please refer to the documentation.

trace :: String -> a -> a, takes in two inputs: the message and an expression. An effective way to utilize trace is with the let keyword. For example, in Svg.Parser.dotProduct:

-- | Computes the dot product of two vectors.
dotProduct :: Vector -> Vector -> Double
dotProduct v1 v2 =
    let result = zipWith (*) v1 v2
    in trace ("Intermediate Products: " ++ show result) (sum result)

ghci> dotProduct [1, 2, 3] [3, 6, 7]
Intermediate Products: [3.0, 12.0, 21.0]

traceM :: Applicative f => String -> f () is similar to trace except the only input is the message, and it returns within any Applicative context. This is quite handy to use in do-notation. For example, in Database.CourseQueries.queryCourse:

-- | Queries the database for all information about @course@, and returns a JSON
-- object representing the course.
queryCourse :: T.Text -> IO Value
queryCourse str = do
    courseJSON <- returnCourse str
    traceM $ "The course: " ++ show courseJSON
    return $ toJSON courseJSON

ghci> queryCourse "CSC324"
The course: Just (Course {breadth = Just "The Physical and Mathematical "...)
Object (fromList [("allMeetingTimes",Array []),("breadth",String "The " ...)

Warning: One important consideration is how trace is used. Haskell has lazy evaluation, so if Debug.Trace's functions are used in a place that does not need to be executed, the output will not be visible. Here is an example in Svg.Parser.dotProduct that illustrates such a case:

-- | Computes the dot product of two vectors.
dotProduct :: Vector -> Vector -> Double
dotProduct v1 v2 =
    let result = zipWith (*) v1 v2
        _ = trace ("Intermediate Products: " ++ show result) --| This string will not be printed
    in (sum result)

GHCi Debugger


Run stack ghci to start GHCi. This is the Haskell tool stack and there are more features than just this debugger. Start by loading the relevant modules using :l Module.

Useful Commands

Category Command Description
Setting Up GHCi :l Module Load Module into GHCi.
Breakpoints :break ModuleA.my_func Set a breakpoint at function my_func in ModuleA.
:break ModuleA line_number Set a breakpoint at a specific line in ModuleA.
:show breaks Display all active breakpoints.
:enable breakpoint_number Enable a specific breakpoint.
:disable breakpoint_number Disable a specific breakpoint.
:enable * Enable all breakpoints.
:disable * Disable all breakpoints
:delete breakpoint_number Delete a specific breakpoint.
:delete * Delete all breakpoints.
Step Debugging :step Step through the program until the next breakpoint.
:steplocal Step through the program, limiting breakpoints to the current function.
:stepmodule Step through the program, limiting breakpoints to the current module.
:force expression Forces the given expression to be evaluated
main Run the program until the first breakpoint is hit.
Variable Inspection :info var_name Show the type of var_name.
:print var_name Display the current value of var_name if it has typeclass Show.

Important Notes

  • You can only run main once per session. If main is run a second time, the debugger environment will not be available. To restart debugging, exit GHCi and restart stack ghci.

  • If you call a function in GHCi with breakpoints set, you won’t see actual values—only the algebraic data type placeholders (_). This happens due to Haskell’s lazy evaluation. When execution stops at a breakpoint, the function hasn’t been evaluated yet, so arguments remain unevaluated. To see variable values, use :force variable_name. This forces evaluation and displays the computed result. You can still see the values of your variables by using :force variables. GHCi binds the current expression to _result, which holds the unevaluated computation. Using :force _result will fully evaluate the function but skip all remaining breakpoints.

  • For additional tools please check out the official documentation.


Here we use a toy project with modules Main and Functions.Extra1:


import Functions.Extra1(add2, sumList)

main :: IO ()
main = print (add2 1 2 + sumList [3, 4, 5, 6])


module Functions.Extra1 where

add2 ::(Num a) => a -> a -> a
add2 x y = x + y

sumList :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
sumList []     = 0
sumList (x:xs) = x + sumList xs

Now we start off by setting up the environment:

CourseographyDeveloper % stack ghci
ghci> :l Main
[1 of 2] Compiling Functions.Extra1 ( Functions/Extra1.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 2] Compiling Main             ( Main.hs, interpreted )

Next we can set some breakpoints:

ghci> :break Functions.Extra1.add2
Breakpoint 0 activated at Functions/Extra1.hs:6:12-16

Now run through the entire program:

ghci> main
Stopped in Functions.Extra1.add2, Functions/Extra1.hs:6:12-16
_result :: Integer = _
x :: Integer = 1
y :: Integer = 2
[Functions/Extra1.hs:6:12-16] ghci> :step

Unfortunately, we can't trace through the entire program unless we restart the debugger:

ghci> main

Now we can illustrate calling :force _result:

[Functions/Extra1.hs:6:12-16] ghci> :break Functions.Extra1.sumList
Breakpoint 1 activated at Functions/Extra1.hs:9:14
Breakpoint 2 activated at Functions/Extra1.hs:10:18-31
[Functions/Extra1.hs:6:12-16] ghci> :delete 1
[Functions/Extra1.hs:6:12-16] ghci> sumList [1, 2, 3, 4]
Stopped in Functions.Extra1.sumList, Functions/Extra1.hs:10:18-31
_result :: a = _
x :: a = _
xs :: [a] = [_,_,_]
... [Functions/Extra1.hs:10:18-31] ghci> :force _result
*** Ignoring breakpoint [Functions/Extra1.hs:10:18-31]
*** Ignoring breakpoint [Functions/Extra1.hs:10:18-31]
*** Ignoring breakpoint [Functions/Extra1.hs:10:18-31]
*** Ignoring breakpoint [Functions/Extra1.hs:10:18-31]
_result = 10

Instead, we can look at intermediate values:

ghci> sumList [1, 2, 3, 4]
Stopped in Functions.Extra1.sumList, Functions/Extra1.hs:10:18-31
_result :: a = _
x :: a = _
xs :: [a] = [_,_,_]
[Functions/Extra1.hs:10:18-31] ghci> :force x
x = 1