OpenSource re-write of Atbash Services' TimeTrackerAPI on NodeJS / PostgreSQL
Working example at
Endpoints Completed
- GET /v1/customer/#
- GET /v1/customer/bycompany/#
Make sure to use the http header 'authKey' with the ApiKey (authKey example using PostMan)
ubuntu@localhost:~$ git clone
ubuntu@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get update
ubuntu@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get install npm postgresql postgresql-client-common -y
ubuntu@localhost:~$ sudo npm install --save express cors body-parser pg pg-hstore sequelize
ubuntu@localhost:~$ sudo su - postgres
postgres@localhost:~$ psql
postgres=# CREATE USER timetracker SUPERUSER;
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE TimeTracker WITH OWNER timetracker;
postgres=# ALTER USER timetracker WITH PASSWORD 'Password1';
postgres=# \q
postgres@localhost:~$ psql -f /home/ubuntu/TimeTrackerAPI/setup/TimeTracker.sql -d timetracker
postgres@localhost:~$ exit
ubuntu@localhost:~$ cd TimeTrackerAPI
ubuntu@localhost:~/TimeTrackerAPI$ sudo node server.js