#Android Development on Ubuntu
##Before We Begin... Please, just fork over the cash for a Mac. If you intend on being a serious professional native app developer, you're going to have to get a Mac eventually. You can't run xcode without iOS, so you're going to have to switch eventually anyway. You might as well spare yourself a lot of headache now if you can. Even Windows is a better solution than Ubuntu. And don't get me wrong, I love Ubuntu. I'm actually updating this repo from an Ubuntu workstation right now. But I'm more of an infrastructure architect, and nearly all of the software engineering work I do is backend. But whenever I do work in a native context, I promise you, I whip out my Mac.
I will add one caveat, because I know many of you are coming up from a third-world situation and I have mad love for your perseverance and total respect for your grind and hustle. Many of us here in the USA take our early exposure to technology for granted, and it makes me sad. If you really are struggling to hack together a development machine and Ubuntu is what you've got to work with, don't be discouraged. It's possible if you have the patience and the time. This repo is not perfect, but it may save you some time. Feel free to contribute here, because I will likely never update this on my own.
If you're still reading this, know that I hacked my way out of running a service truck for 12-16 hours a day 7 days a week by converting an end-of-life Windows XP machine with an old Pentium chip into an Ubuntu Linux box and squeezed about 1-2 more years out of it so I could code for one hour a night while I was half asleep from exhaustion. Don't ever let being poor stop you! It'll work if you make it work.