#homework0 This homework is simply used to check if all students know how to work with git and github (no credit). At the sametime, it also helps me to know you a little bit more :)
Hello everybody, my name is Daniel Reyes. I am from Ecuador and I have been living in Taiwan for 3 years. I lived in Taipei for 2 years, where I studied my Master degree at the National Taipei University of Technology in Mechatronics Engineering. Currently, I started my 2nd year of PhD. studies at National Chiao Tung University in the EECS international graduate program. My research area is Robotics, focused in compliance, force control and sensor design.
I am interested in this subject because computer vision is closely related to robotics and it is taught in English. Additionally, I plan to implement computer vision in my research, thus this course can help me develop the necessary skills. I took a class about image processing during my master studies and I want to go into more detail about this subject.
My expectations for this course are to learn as much as I can in this class from the basics to the advanced strategies for computer vision used nowadays. I am really looking forward to learn about deep learning because I think it is a very interesting and novel topic that has many applications.
PS. 中文 or English are both fine.