A platform designed to keep track of the stuff(taco's) you need to manage.
Unclutter your mind and free your inner 🌮.
The application uses
- ruby 2.5.3
- webpack
- postgresql
- rspec & capibara for testing
- rubocop for code quality
How to setup the application
- please fork & clone the repository
- navigate in to the project folder
- in the terminal run: '$ bundle install && yarn install'
- This will fetch all the projects' ruby and javascript dependencies.
- in the terminal run: '$ rails db:setup'
- This will create, migrate and seed the database
How to launch a server
- in the terminal run: '$ rails server' || '$ rails s'
How to run the tests
- in the terminal run: '$ rspec'
- in the terminal run: '$ rake'
- This option will run both rubocop and the full test suite.
How to run Rubocop
- in the terminal run: '$ rubocop'
On the about page there is a Markdown to HTML converter included.
- To try it out I've included a markdown file in the project.
- Copy + Paste the content of the sociology-programming.md file into the input box!