Original contributor: muxueqz
This is a single file utility to adopt BSN service to standard CKB and Ethereum node rpc. It support both CKB node rpc, and ckb-indexer rpc calls.
Usage: ckb
$ python3 ./bsn-proxy-ckb.py --bsn-url 'https://hk.bsngate.com/api/<your-app-id>/Nervos-Mainnet/rpc' --api-key '<your-api-key>'
If everything goes well, you will have a ckb node rpc server at http://localhost:8114/rpc
, adn a ckb-indexer rpc server at http://localhost:8114/indexer
$ python3 ./bsn-proxy-eth.py --bsn-url 'https://hk.bsngate.com/api/<your-app-id>/ETH-Mainnet/rpc' --api-key '<your-api-key>'
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