./gradlew clean build
Below is the list of the breaking changes, and the corresponding new implementation starting from teswiz latest teswiz.
In Config properties files, which are related to cloud execution platforms such as browserStack, HeadSpin, Lamda Tests, Pcloudy etc make the following change: CLOUD_USER config will now be replaced with CLOUD_USERNAME.
- It is Mandatory to pass CLOUD_USERNAME & CLOUD_KEY as Environment variables when running on browser Stack from local
- Similarly, All the pipelines using browser Stack will need to be updated, CLOUD_USERNAME & CLOUD_KEY needs to be added
Note: appium-device-farm plugin's version should be >= v8.1.0. minimum requirement is v8.1.0
Please Refer: Browser Stack Local File
There are some method name and implementation changes as listed below:
There is a new method added:
- setWebViewContext()
- setNativeAppContext()
- scroll(Point fromPoint, Point toPoint) , scrollVertically() , scrollDownByScreenSize()
- tapOnMiddleOfScreenOnDevice()
- swipeLeft() , swipeRight() , swipe(int height, int fromWidth, int toWidth)
- For appium2.0 : https://javadoc.io/doc/io.appium/java-client/8.0.0-beta/deprecated-list.html
- For selenium 4: https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/docs/api/java/deprecated-list.html
To make it easy to log to ReportPortal, the following new methods have been added:
ReportPortalLogger.attachFileInReportPortal("message", new File("fileName"));
This repository implements automated tests for Android & iOS apps, specified using cucumber-jvm and intelligently run them against
- Android
- iOS
- Windows Apps
- Web
Applitools (https://applitools.com/) Visual AI, and Applitools Ultrafast Grid (https://applitools.com/product-ultrafast-test-cloud/) is integrated with this framework, to provide Visual AI testing as part of functional automation.
Reports will be uploaded to reportportal.io, that you would need to setup separately, and provide the server details in
src/test/resources/reportportal.properties file or provide the path to the file using this environment
Test can run on local browsers / devices, or against any cloud provider, such as HeadSpin, BrowserStack, SauceLabs, pCloudy.
- cucumber-jvm (https://cucumber.io)
- AppiumTestDistribution (https://github.com/AppiumTestDistribution/AppiumTestDistribution) -manages Android and iOS devices, and Appium
- Appium (https://appium.io)
- WebDriver (https://selenium.dev)
- reportportal.io (https://reportportal.io)
- Applitools (https://applitools.com)
- Build tool: gradle 7.3.3
- cucumber-reporting (https://github.com/damianszczepanik/cucumber-reporting)